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Qualifications: Special skills or type of knowledge that makes someone suitable to do a particular job or activity.

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1 Qualifications: Special skills or type of knowledge that makes someone suitable to do a particular job or activity


3 Qualifications For Church Leaders
Titus 1:5-9 Qualifications For Church Leaders

4 I. Qualifications of Titus, 5
Titus’ Qualifications 4a, 5a Purposes Assigned to Titus 5b,5c Biblical Terms for Church Leaders Elder Bishop Deacon Pastor-teacher

5 II. Qualifications for Church Leaders
Gender 6 Family 6 General – blameless Specific husband of one wife … having faithful children …

6 II. Qualifications for Church Leaders
Gender 6 Family – Blameless 6 Personal – Blameless 7, 8 General – Blameless Five Vices 7 NOT self willed…quick tempered…given to wine…violent…greedy for money Six Contrasting Virtues BUT hospitable…lover of what is good…sober minded…just…holy…selfcontrolled

7 II. Qualifications for Church Leaders
Gender 6 Family – Blameless 6 Personal – Blameless 7, 8 Doctrinal Orthodoxy 9 Hold fast the faithful word as he has been taught Able to exhort and convict by sound teaching those who contradict

8 III. Qualifications For Church Leaders In Other Passages
1 Timothy 3 1 Peter 5

9 Applications Church leaders need to meet the qualifications listed in Titus, 1 Timothy and 1 Peter in order to be qualified to serve as a leader in the church. Consider when choosing a Pastor. In Baptist churches, deacons function largely as ‘elders’, so they should meet the qualifications as well. Not every man will serve as a church leader, but the qualifications for church leaders are good for every man. If you are not ‘qualified’, then you should seek to get ‘qualified’ if you are able. Serving is a responsibility and a privilege. Some things we might think are important for church leaders are not listed. Either they are not necessary or they should be assumed. Forget the not necessary and don’t miss the assumed.

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