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The Military Phase of the American Revolution

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1 The Military Phase of the American Revolution
APUSH Unit 2

2 British Advantages Population: Economic: Military: Alliances Army
Royal Navy Alliances Native Americans Colonists Slaves Population: The British had a considerably larger population from which to draw troops Had to rely on mercenaries and volunteers (hired Germans called Hessians) Economic: British possessed considerable financial resources Military: Army – had a highly trained and experienced professional fighting force Royal Navy – controlled the seas and therefore trade Alliances: Native Americans – NA tribes were eager to see an end to colonial westward expansion and generally allied themselves with the British Colonists – many Americans opposed independence (Tories/Loyalists) and fought against the Continental Army Slaves – Black American slaves were offered freedom if they helped the British and served in the British army

3 The British Disadvantages
Global War: Military Training & Weaknesses: Logistics: Global War: Britain needed a substantial part of its military to maintain its global empire. Was unable to dedicate all the necessary troops to the Revolutionary War. While fighting the Americans it also battled Holland, Spain, France and other countries that wanted to see the British power lessen. Military Training & Weakness: The European style of fighting practiced by the British was not suitable for North America and the vast amounts of wilderness The American colonists were using Guerilla warfare. Had difficulty defeating Washington’s army Logistics: Had considerable problems as their lines of communication and supplies stretched across the Atlantic Ocean.

4 Colonial (Patriot) Advantages
Reason for fighting: Army Preparedness: Leadership Thaddeus Kosciusko Casimir Pulaski Baron von Steuben Tactics Economic: Reason for Fighting: Americans were fighting for a lofty ideal – liberty – as well as for their home and way of life. In many ways, were more motivated to win than the British. Army Preparedness: Leadership: Americans has excellent leadership such as Washington, as well as foreigners who came to assist the Americans. Thaddeus Kosciusko (Poland) Casimir Pulaski (Poland) Baron von Steuben (Prussia) Tactics – able to utilize guerilla warfare (sudden unexpected attacks carried out by an unofficial military group or groups that are trying to change the government by assaults on the armed forces) Economic: Americans received financial support from France and greatly befitted from direct French military intervention after 1778.

5 Colonial Disadvantages
Army: Government/Continental Congress: Dedication to the cause: Army Washington’s army was considerably smaller than Britain’s military forces in North America Suffered frequently from shortage supplies Americans were vulnerable to war weariness and a sense of futility, possible consequences of a long war. Government/Continental Congress Had no real political authority Had no power to tax or create a sound currency Dedication to the cause Most Americans were loyalists or were indifferent or neutral about the war and did not actively support the troops or the cause Many Tories actually took up arms to try and stop the colonists from gaining independence.

6 The end

7 Federalism Balancing power between the federal and state government

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