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Using Open Source in Java Projects

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Presentation on theme: "Using Open Source in Java Projects"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Open Source in Java Projects
Jay Sissom

2 Agenda Expectations Why Open Source Tools Overview Example Application
Ant jRelational Framework Struts jUnit Summary

3 Expectations You will NOT be a pro on these tools in 3-1/2 hours!
You will NOT learn Java today You will get an idea of how these tools can work in your environment You will take home a CD with a copy of all the libraries and samples we are using today

4 Why Use Open Source Arguments Against Open Source “No one to sue”
“You get what you pay for” “No vendor support”

5 Why Use Open Source Arguments For Open Source Why re-invent the wheel?
No $$$ expenditures Great support via internet (mostly) Source is available to review design You may be able to resolve problems faster than a vendor would

6 Open Source Tools Overview
Ant – automated source code building tool (make for Java) jRelational Framework – Object to database mapping framework jUnit – Unit testing framework Struts – Model/View/Controller user interface framework

7 Other Open Source Tools
Log4j - Logging Hsql – 100% Java relational database Tomcat – Web server, Servlet container NetBeans – IDE for Java These are just the tip of the iceberg!

8 Example Application Personal Address Book Application
Lookup people in an LDAP directory (or database) Add personal notes for people Web based user interface Built with ant, using Struts and jRelational Frameworks, tested with jUnit  Thanks to Southern Illinois University for the use of their LDAP directory for this example.

9 Example Application (continued)
Total Cost: $0 Tools used in application Sun JDK 1.4.1 jRelational Framework 1.7 Struts 1.0.2 Hsql Java database Log4j Logging Tomcat Servlet container Ant 1.5 to build application jUnit for testing NetBeans Java IDE (optional) LDAP directory (optional)

10 What is Ant? Tool to Build an application
Similar to the make utility on Unix systems Written in Java Configured using XML

11 What’s wrong with make? File format difficult to use
Not platform independent Relies on shell scripts for complex tasks that can be even LESS platform independent Starting a JVM is time consuming

12 Ant to the rescue Ant uses XML for the file format
Ant is a Java application The JVM starts once and is used for all tasks (unless you tell it not to) Complex tasks can be written in Java for operating system independence

13 Example Ant Build File <?xml version=“1.0”?>
<project name=“Simple Buildfile” default=“compile” basedir=“.”> <property name=“src.dir” value=“src”/> <property name=“classes.dir” value=“classes”/> <property name=“build.dir” value=“build”/> <target name=“prepare”> <mkdir dir=“${classes.dir}”/> <mkdir dir=“${build.dir}”/> </target> <target name=“compile” depends=“prepare” description=“Compile Code”> <javac srcdir=“${src.dir}” destdir=“${classes.dir”/> <target name=“jar” depends=“compile” description=“Build JAR file”> <jar jarfile=“${build.dir}/output.jar” basedir=“$classses.dir”/> <target name=“clean” description=“Clean compiled code”> <delete dir=“${build.dir}”/> <delete dir=“${classes.dir}”/> <target name=“all” depends=“clean,jar” description=“Builds everything”/> </project>

14 Build file components - project
Provides: Name of the project Default target to use if none are specified Base directory for project One per build file This component holds targets Example: <project name=“My Killer App” default=“compile”> </project>

15 Build file components - target
A target is one unit of work A target contains one or more task A target can depend on other targets Example: <target name=“compile” depends=“prepare”> </target>

16 Build file components - task
A task actually does some work Each task takes it’s own set of parameters You can write your own tasks in Java if necessary Example tasks that come with ant: mkdir, delete, javac, javadoc, jar, war, ear, cvs, mail, unzip

17 Build file components - task
Tasks that come in the optional.jar file cab – create a .cab file csc – compile c# code ftp – ftp files junit – run junit tests rpm – builds a Linux rpm There are lots more!

18 Build file components – other
Property A name-value pair <property name=“build.dir” value=“build”/> Use ${build.dir} to reference it

19 Build file components - other
Path and File lists <path id=“classpath”> <fileset dir=“${lib.dir}”> <include name=“activation.jar”/> <include name=“serlvet.jar”/> </fileset> </path> <path id=“second_classpath”> <include name=“**/*.jar”/> <exclude name=“junit.jar”/>

20 Running ant Command line: Run from within a supporting IDE ant target
Used if your build file is named build.xml in the current directory ant –buildfile filename target Used if your build file isn’t named build.xml or in a different directory Run from within a supporting IDE

21 Example Program Directory Structure
(root) src properties test ldap testclasses dist javadoc WEB-INF lib classes

22 Example ant script – init target
<target name="init"> <property file="../"/> <property name="webapp" value="ldap"/> <property name="classes" value="${webapp}/WEB-INF/classes"/> <property name="lib" value="${webapp}/WEB-INF/lib"/> <property name="src" value="src"/> <property name="test" value="test"/> <property name="testclasses" value="testclasses"/> <property name="properties" value="properties"/> <property name="dist" value="dist"/>

23 Example ant script – init target
<!--- Path to compile the application --> <path id="compile.classpath"> <!-- Include all elements that Tomcat exposes to applications --> <pathelement location="${catalina.home}/common/classes"/> <fileset dir="${catalina.home}/common/lib"> <include name="*.jar"/> </fileset> <!-- Application specific lib files --> <fileset dir="${lib}"> <include name="**/*.jar"/> </path>

24 Example ant script – init target
<!-- Path to test the application --> <path id="test.classpath"> <path refid="compile.classpath"/> <pathelement location="${testclasses}"/> <pathelement location="${classes}"/> </path> </target>

25 Example ant script – compile target
<target name="compile" depends="init" description="Compile"> <mkdir dir="${classes}"/> <javac debug="true" deprecation="true“ destdir="${classes}" srcdir="${src}"> <classpath refid="compile.classpath"/> </javac> </target>

26 Example ant script - testcompile
<target name="testcompile" depends="compile“ description="Compile Tests"> <mkdir dir="${testclasses}"/> <javac debug="true" deprecation="true“ destdir="${testclasses}" srcdir="${test}"> <classpath refid="test.classpath"/> </javac> </target>

27 Example ant script - javadoc
<target name="javadoc" depends="init" description="Javadoc"> <mkdir dir="apidoc"/> <javadoc destdir="apidoc" packagenames="edu.*"> <sourcepath> <pathelement location="${src}"/> </sourcepath> <classpath refid="compile.classpath"/> </javadoc> </target>

28 Example ant script - dist
<target name="dist" depends="init,compile“ description="Build Distribution File"> <mkdir dir="${dist}"/> <jar jarfile="${dist}/ldap.war" basedir="${webapp}"> <exclude name="WEB-INF/lib/junit.jar"/> </jar> </target>

29 Example ant script - all
<target name="all" depends="init,dist" description="Build everything."> <echo message="Application built"/> </target>

30 Example ant script - test
<target name="test" depends="init,compile,testcompile“ description="Junit tests"> <java fork="yes" classname="junit.textui.TestRunner“ taskname="junit" failonerror="true"> <arg value="edu.iu.uis.sit.ldapsearch.test.AllTests"/> <classpath refid="test.classpath" /> </java> </target>

31 Example ant script - clean
<target name="clean" depends="init" description="Clean all build products"> <delete dir="${classes}"/> <delete file="${dist}/ldap.war"/> <delete dir="apidoc"/> <delete dir="${dist}"/> <delete dir="${testclasses}"/> </target>

32 Ant Summary Allows developers to build the application consistently no matter what environment, operating system

33 jRelational Framework (jrf)
Open Source Framework Object/Database mapping Framework Automates most of SQL programming Tables look like objects to programmers

34 jrf Provides Object-to-relational mapping for:
Sequenced primary keys Natural primary keys Compound primary keys Insertion of a new object instance into the database. Updating of existing object instances. Deleting of existing object instances. Finding of persistent instances by primary key. Finding all persistent instances.  (Finding all rows in a table). Finding of a portion of persistent instances that match an application-specific criteria. Augmentation of persistent object instances with columns from other tables (Joining of tables).

35 jrf Provides Aggregation - creation of multiple objects from one result set. Flexibility to define custom SQL queries for specialized searches. Database independent validation of objects based on the metadata defined in the AbstractDomain subclass. (i.e. REQUIRED and UNIQUE field constraints). Database independent defaulting of attribute values when updating and selecting from the database. Optimistic locking of an object/row using a Timestamp or Integer column.  When conflicts occur, an ObjectHasChanged exception is thrown by the framework. Linking of related objects at retrieval time through the use of a postFind() method.

36 jrf Provides Plenty of "hooks" by which you can customize your object before saving, after saving, after finding, etc... Compatible with database triggers that change the tables. Generation of basic PersistentObject and AbstractDomain subclasses from an existing database (using the jrf-extras jar). Connection pooling (Either via the included JDBCHelperPool or via your application server pooling).

37 Object Mapping Each RDBMS table is mapped to two objects
Persistent Object (or Entity Object) which represents one row Domain Object which represents the entire table

38 Entity Object Is a JavaBean Has a property for every column in a table
The setter method must contain a call to this.markModifiedPersistentState(); Each property MUST be a Java Object, not a built in java type Parent object is

39 Domain Object Represents an entire table
Has a method to return lists of all rows Has a method to return a single row via the primary key Has a method to return a list of rows based on a specified where clause Has method to add, update or delete single row Parent object is A Domain object can have “hooks” for various events in the object lifecycle

40 JDBCHelper JDBCHelper is the jrf class to wrap a JDBC driver
You’ll need to work with JDBCHelper any time you talk to the database JDBCHelpers will also let you manage database transactions

41 Creating a Domain Object
Create a subclass of Implement a protected void setup() method which should set the DatabasePolicy set the table name Add Column specs for each column

42 Creating a Domain Object
Override the newPersistentObject method and return a new instance of your entity object

43 Column Specs Each column in the table needs to be defined in the setup method of the Domain object There are ColumnSpec objects for many different data types: StringColumnSpec IntegerColumnSpec LongColumnSpec

44 Column Specs The constructor for a xColumnSpec object needs the following parameters: column name getter method name setter method name default value zero or more options

45 Column Specs – default value

46 Column Specs - options Option constants Max of 3 options
SEQUENCED_PRIMARY_KEY NATURAL_PRIMARY_KEY OPTIMISTIC_LOCK REQUIRED UNIQUE Max of 3 options Primary key options shouldn’t be used with other options (Required & Unique assumed)

47 Column Specs The Domain object has a method called addColumnSpec that lets you add each Column Spec object this.addColumnSpec(new StringColumnSpec(“user_nm”, ”getUser_nm”,”setUser_nm”, DEFAULT_TO_EMPTY_STRING,REQUIRED)

48 Finders Finders allow you to retrieve lists of rows that meet certain requirements jrf supplies a finder by primary key, a finder for all rows, and one for a where clause You’ll need to write additional ones Finder methods belong in the Domain object

49 Finders Example Finders findByUserNm(String user_nm)
findByID(Integer id) findByAccount(String fin_coa_cd, String account_nbr) findNamesStartingWith(String s)

50 Finders jrf provides a findWhere method Example findByUserNm method
public List findByUserNm(String user_nm,JDBCHelper j) { String user = JDBCHelper.delimitString(user_nm,”’”); return this.findWhere(this.getTableAlias() + “.user_nm = ” + user,j); }

51 Order By Often we need to return data in a special order
jrf provides a findOrderBy method to find all with an ORDER BY clause jrf also provides a findWhereOrderBy method to find specified rows with an ORDER BY clause Pass a list of column names separated by commas for the orderByString parameter

52 Locking Pessimistic locking – lock a row before modifying it just in case someone else will want to modify the row while we are Optimistic locking – Assume that no one will modify the row while we’re changing it and check if they did after the fact

53 Optimistic Locking Method 1
Add a Timestamp column for each table and update it for each UPDATE Grab the Timestamp from a row. Let the user modify the row, then specify the original Timestamp in the where clause

54 Optimistic Locking Method 2
Add a version number column for each table and increment it for each UPDATE Grab the version number from a row. Let the user modify the row, then specify the original version number in the where clause

55 Optimistic Locking Each table will have an NUMERIC(8) column named jrf_ver_nbr jrf will automatically handle Optimistic Locking if we tell it to: this.addColumnSpec(new IntegerColumnSpec("JRF_VER_NBR","getJrf_ver_nbr", "setJrf_ver_nbr",DEFAULT_TO_ZERO,OPTIMISTIC_LOCK));

56 Optimistic Locking We must provide a getter/setter for jrf_ver_nbr in the Entity object jrf will throw an ObjectHasChangedException if the object changes between the time you retrieve the data and update the data It’s up to you to determine how your application will react

57 Optimistic Locking When you retrieve data from an Entity to be edited, you must make sure the jrf_ver_nbr gets retrieved maintained until you save it

58 Transactions By default, each SQL command happens by itself
Sometimes a group of actions ALL need to happen or NONE happen Database Transactions allow us to support this functionality

59 Transactions Example: Transfer money between two accounts
create table bc2_account_t ( user_nm varchar2(8) not null, account_nbr varchar(7) not null, balance_amt numeric(8) not null ); Transactions Example: Transfer money between two accounts update jay_account_t set balance_amt = balance_amt – 10 where user_nm = ‘jsissom’ and account_nbr = ‘SAVING’ update jay_account_t set balance_amt = balance_amt + 10 where user_nm = ‘jsissom’ and account_nbr = ‘CHECK’ Both have to happen or neither have to happen

60 Transactions Database managed transactions (by default):
begin transaction (implied) update jay_account_t set balance_amt = balance_amt – 10 where user_nm = ‘jsissom’ and account_nbr = ‘SAVING’ commit (implied) update jay_account_t set balance_amt = balance_amt + 10 where user_nm = ‘jsissom’ and account_nbr = ‘CHECK’

61 Transactions Developer managed transactions:
begin transaction update jay_account_t set balance_amt = balance_amt – 10 where user_nm = ‘jsissom’ and account_nbr = ‘SAVING’ update jay_account_t set balance_amt = balance_amt + 10 where user_nm = ‘jsissom’ and account_nbr = ‘CHECK’ commit If the commit never happens, the database will rollback the transaction The developer can rollback the transaction if there is a problem

62 jrf Transactions By default, jrf will automatically begin transactions, commit transactions or rollback for each database operation by itself Each operation has it’s own transaction

63 jrf Transactions Each database action in jrf can possibly use a different connection to the database because connections come from the pool A transaction cannot span multiple connections To manage a transaction, you also need to manage the connection

64 jrf Transactions Example jrf code without transactions:
JDBCHelper jdbcHelper = getJDBCHelper(); checkingAccount.setBalance_amt(checkingAccount.getBalance_amt()-10); try { Account nAccount1 =,jdbcHelper); } … savingAccount.setBalance_amt(savingAccount.getBalance_amt()+10); Account nAccount2 =,jdbcHelper); jdbcHelper.close();

65 jrf Transactions Example code WITH transactions:
JDBCHelper jdbcHelper = getJDBCHelper(); jdbcHelper.beginTransaction(); checkingAccount.setBalance_amt(checkingAccount.getBalance_amt()-10); try { Account nAccount1 =,jdbcHelper); } … savingAccount.setBalance_amt(savingAccount.getBalance_amt()+10); Account nAccount2 =,jdbcHelper); jdbcHelper.endTransaction(); jdbcHelper.close();

66 jrf Transactions Oracle (and most other RDBMS’s) by default will “hide” any changes made within a transaction until the transaction is finished Other database connections won’t see these changes during the transaction

67 jRF 2.0 Beta jRF 2.0 Beta is out It is not 100% backwards compatible with 1.7 Check for more information

68 jRF Summary jRF is a good lightweight framework for mapping objects to tables

69 jUnit Unit Tests are a series of tests that verify each component of your application jUnit is a framework to help standardize these tests jUnit can help automate tests so it is easy to see if a component works jUnit can be integrated into ant

70 Why Unit Test? Find bugs soon after code is written
Save other team members’ time Prove that finished code works Make future maintenance easier Example of how to use code

71 Unit testing goals Each class has tests for all public methods
Tests not only test successes, but also test failures Tests are organized so they are easy to run Tests are run often Each test is completely independent of other tests Each time a bug is found, write an additional test to check for that bug, then fix the bug

72 jUnit Concepts TestCase – a series of related tests
All the tests for an object All the tests for a method TestSuite – a series of related test cases All tests for a package All tests for an application

73 jUnit Concepts Fixtures – routines that setup the environment for each test Create database connections Initialize the environment TestRunner – jUnit code that runs tests Command line Swing

74 jUnit Addons Dbunit – code to initialize a database to a known state before testing Struts test case – Test Struts specific code using mock objects Cactus – Test HTTP applications using mock objects HttpUnit – Test HTTP applications based on an embedded servlet container

75 Writing jUnit tests Subclass junit.framework.TestCase
Create a constructor with a single String parameter. Call super(string) in this constructor Write tests in methods that return void and start with test as their name Call fail, assertX in tests as necessary

76 Test success/failure assertX methods test for the correct values. Examples: assertTrue/assertFalse assertNull/assertNotNull assertEquals Fail method stops the test and marks it as a failure

77 Test success/failure The assertX and fail methods will take an optional string to describe the test I recommend you ALWAYS use this string to document the tests

78 Example test /** * Test searching for someone that doesn't exist **/
public void testGetPerson1() { try { BusinessLogicInt bli = BusinessLogicFactory.getInstance(getImplementationClass()); Person p = bli.getPerson("Unknown"); assertNull("Unknown person should be null",p); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.getMessage()); }

79 jUnit Example Look at example program

80 jUnit Summary jUnit helps you create higher quality software
Time spent by writing tests will be recovered many times over during future maintenance

81 What is Struts? Open Source Framework
User Interface Framework based on Model-View-Controller model (MVC or Model 2) Part of the Jakarta project sponsored by the Apache Group We will talk about Struts b2 has been released with many new features

82 Why use Struts Consistency across applications
Split up HTML from Java code Make Maintenance of applications easier Take advantage of code in the framework

83 What is Struts?

84 Struts Components Struts Servlet Action Object (Controller)
Form Object (Model) JSP Page (View) Tag Libraries Configuration File Application Resources

85 Struts Servlet “Traffic Cop” for application
Routes requests to appropriate object Configuration comes from configuration file (struts-config.xml)

86 Action Object (Controller)
Action objects handle every request Each request type should have an action object These are NOT Servlets They are called by the Struts Servlet

87 Form Object (Model) Form objects store state information
Data can be passed from action objects (controllers) to JSP’s (views) and back Form objects are JavaBeans

88 JSP Page (View) JSP Pages contain all the HTML
They use Form objects to display data HTML Forms put their data into Form objects Tag Libraries contain lots of functionality you can use

89 Tag Libraries Struts comes with many tags These tags allow you to
manipulate form beans provide i18n have conditional parts of page iterate through lists of data You can add your own tag libraries also Look at the JSTL – Java Standard Tag Library

90 Configuration File Allows the developer to define the flow of an application declaratively instead of in the code The flow of an application can be changed without recompiling code

91 Application Resources
An application resources file can contain all of the messages that appear in your application This file can be translated into other languages to provide i18n support Helps in writing documentation and making messages consistent This file goes where your Java source code goes – it goes in a package

92 Application Resources
Variable Sample File: application.title=My Application group.error=The group {0} is invalid error.username.missing=You must type in a username error.password.missing=You must type in a password username.message=Username: password.message=Password: submit.button.message=Save

93 Tag Libraries struts-bean – Define new beans, render beans/properties
struts-html – Create forms struts-logic – Conditional page generation, looping

94 Using Struts Tag Libraries
Insert these lines at the beginning of each .JSP that will use these tag libraries page language="java" %> taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %> taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %> taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %>

95 struts-bean Contains tags that
manipulate the servlet context environment write out bean information to page include/forward Display messages from our resources file

96 struts-bean Properties
id – Name of scripting variable and scope key value name – Scope key value property – JavaBeans property name scope – Where to store or search for bean (page, request, session or application)

97 struts-bean <bean:message>
Display a message from the Message Resources <bean:message key=“”/>

98 struts-bean <bean:write>
Print out a bean or bean property <bean:write name=“person” property=“lastName”/> <bean:write name=“username”/>

99 struts-html Contain tags that handle form HTML elements
handle re-writing HREF’s display User Interface errors deal with user’s locales

100 struts-html <html>
Looks at browser’s locale setting and enables i18n based on user’s locale. <html:html locale=“true”>

101 struts-html <html:errors>
Displays a single or all error messages saved in the servlet context Action object/Form object can add errors as necessary <html:errors/> <html:errors property=“username”/>

102 struts-html <html:form>
Start an HTML form where all input is sent to a Form object Uses JavaScript to set focus to first field (optional) POSTS or GETS to an action in struts-config.xml <html:form focus=“username” action=“/”>

103 struts-html Form Input tags password button radio cancel reset select
checkbox hidden multibox option options password radio reset select submit text textarea All of these are just like their HTML counterparts with a property attribute that work with a FormBean

104 struts-html <html:link>
Create <a href> and handle url re-writing Use to provide links to locations within your application <html:link page=“/”> <bean:message key=“vendor.edit”/> </html:link>

105 struts-logic Contains tags that Compare values Iterate
Conditionally include parts of pages

106 struts-logic - Comparison
equal, notEqual greaterEqual, lessEqual greaterThan, lessThan Compare a value to a cookie, header, property or name <logic:equal value=“en_US” header=“Accept-Language”> You speak English, dude! </logic:equal>

107 struts-logic - Exists exists, notExists
Tests if objects exist in page, request, session or application state Tests if a cookie exists <logic:notPresent name="org.apache.struts.action.ERROR"> <bean:message key=“message.noerrors"/> </logic:notPresent> <logic:present name="org.apache.struts.action.ERROR"> <B><html:errors/></B> </logic:present>

108 struts-logic – Substring Matching
match, notMatch Match on substrings <logic:match header=“Referer” value=“”> I’m glad you use the Portal to access this application! </logic:match> <logic:notMatch header=“Referer” value=“”> Next time, try to access this app via the Portal! </logic:notMatch>

109 struts-logic - iterate
Iterate through a list of items <logic:iterate id="myElement" name="list"> <bean:write name="myElement"/><br/> </logic:iterate>

110 Struts Configuration Configuration in XML file Sections of file
data-sources – JDBC Database sources form-beans – list of all form beans used in app global-forwards – list of forwards used throughout application action-mappings – list of all actions and how they map to views/forms

111 Action Mappings Each action object needs to have an entry in the struts config file <!-- Add Members --> <action path="/AddNewMember" type="edu.iu.uis.sit.test.AddMemberAction" name="MemberForm" scope="request“ input="AddMember.jsp" validate="true"> <forward name="success" path="index.jsp"/> </action> <!– List Members --> <action path="/ListMembers" type="edu.iu.uis.sit.test.ListMembersAction“/> Input/Edit Form List Rows Form

112 Action Definitions path – path of submitted request
type – Java class of Action object to call forward/include – path of servlet or JSP that will handle this request name – Name of form bean to use input – Path to input form in case of errors scope –area to be used for form bean (“request” or “session”) validate – true/false – Validate form bean Bold - Required

113 Action Forwards A forward is a logical definition of a path
<forward name="success“ path="index.jsp"/> name = logical name path = path to go to Your Action Object can refer to the logical name to transfer control. You don’t have to hardcode a destination path in your source code. return (mapping.findForward(“success"));

114 Action Forwards Example – Wizard Interface
If user presses Previous button, go to previous screen If user presses Next button, go to next screen <forward name=“previous“ path=“page1.jsp"/> <forward name=“next” path=“page3.jsp”/>

115 Form Objects Each form object needs to have an entry in the struts config file <form-bean name="PersonForm" type="edu.iu.uis.html1.PersonForm"/>

116 Global Forwards Forwards that are used throughout your application
Example: main menu <global-forwards> <forward name="logoff" path="/" /> <forward name="logon" path="/logon.jsp" /> <forward name=“menu" path="/mainMenu.jsp" /> </global-forwards> return (servlet.findForward(“menu"));

117 Before Calling the Action Object
The Struts Servlet will: Check in the user’s session for an instance of a form bean listed in struts-config.xml If it doesn’t exist, create one Call the setter for each property that matches a form input field Pass the form bean to the perform method

118 Action Objects Receives requests from client
Runs appropriate business logic forwards to view (JSP) for display

119 Application Architecture
struts-config.xml BL Controllers Struts Servlet Browser Action Object Entities Form Object Domains JSP Tag Libraries ApplicationResources

120 Tiers UI Tier BL Tier Data Tier Action Form JSP Domain Boundary
Controller Entity JSP

121 Struts 1.1 beta New Features Multiple struts-config.xml files
Dynamic beans Declarative exception handling Validation framework Tiles framework

122 Struts Summary Struts will save time as an application gets complex
Struts will save time in maintenance

123 Summary By 2003, the use of open-source software will become a standard part of all organizations utilizing Java… - Thomas Murphy

124 Books

125 Resources Ant –
Jrf – jUnit – Struts –

126 Other Resources Tomcat –
Hsql – Log4j – NetBeans – Dbunit – Struts test case – HTTP Unit – Cactus –

127 ? Q&A

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