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Classroom Management ECI 423.

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Management ECI 423."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Management ECI 423

2 Learning from “Natural” Teachers
Have good instincts Remain calm and relaxed Be emotionally “warm” Students do the work (meaning, they are actively engaged) Keep your sense of humor Show that you mean business from Day 1

3 Steps to Successful Classroom Management
Focus on Prevention Working the Crowd Arrange the Classroom Create Independent Learners Raise Expectations Build Classroom Structure Set Limits Produce Responsible Behavior

4 Focus on Prevention Positive Classroom Management
Instruction Motivation Discipline Classroom Mgmt. System Be specific Simple procedures Prevent problems

5 Prevention… Instruction Mobility and Proximity
Learned Helplessness (“Praise, Prompt, Leave”) Visual Modality (have lots of visuals to aid with understanding) Say, See, Do Teaching (Explain, Demonstrate, Students Do)

6 Prevention… Motivation Discipline
Why Should I? (short term goals, preferred activities as rewards) Excellence and Accountability (reward quality) Discipline Rules and Routines Meaning Business (eye contact, body language, voice control

7 Working the Crowd Goofing off is directly related to the teacher’s physical distance from the student Effective teachers make an art of “working the crowd” (eye contact, energy, movement) Mobility and proximity are key tools to classroom management “Disrupt” the impulse to be disruptive

8 Red Zone – Close by (8 ft radius), students stop behavior
Yellow Zone – About 14 ft. radius; coast is clear when teacher turns his/her back Green Zone –Go! Teacher not near.

9 The longer the students are in the Green Zone, the more likely they are to get off task.

10 Arranging the Classroom
Remove obstacles to avoid tripping Include walkways Allow for teacher to get to students in the fewest possible steps Rows make for easy cleaning but create barriers for teachers Teacher’s Desk – get it out of the way!

11 Creating Independent Learners
Wean the “Helpless Handraiser” S: “I don’t know what to do here.” T: “What part don’t you understand?” S: “All of it.”

12 Be clear, Be brief, Be gone.
Helpless Handraiser Be clear, Be brief, Be gone.

13 Raise Expectations Focus on Motivation
Manage Productivity (diligence, excellence) Focus on the things you can control (quantity and quality of work) Choose appropriate incentives (be proactive, not reactive)

14 Incentives for Diligence
A task – things you have to do A preferred activity – things you want to do Criterion of Mastery – how well it is done

15 Build Classroom Structure
Students can assess the absence of structure very quickly Students know if teachers are proactive or reactive, whether they are “pros” or “rookies” Rules are defined by REALITY (what students can actually get away with) Down time is detrimental to a lesson plan

16 Build Classroom Structure
Structure begins the moment students walk in Well developed routines create positive work environments Classroom routines train students to carry out procedures with minimal wasted time Routines must be taught and practiced Communicate with parents

17 A note about “Rules” Be careful to avoid too many “Don’ts”
Be clear about what are general rules or specific procedures/routines Teach these procedures (pay now or pay later) Establish standards Reinforce positive behavior

18 Setting Limits Brat Behavior – saying No to children, then giving them what they want if they act out builds brat behavior “No means No” Be consistent

19 Kind of Consistent? There are no degrees of consistency. Consistency has only two conditions: You are consistent You are Inconsistent

20 Setting Limits… Keep it positive
Stay calm, stay strong (Calm is strength, Upset is weakness) Mean business Follow through Adjust as you go

21 Recognizing Backtalk The way to recognize backtalk is by the fact that the student’s mouth is open Whiny backtalk Denial Blame a neighbor Blame a teacher Compliment

22 Recognizing Backtalk…
Non Verbal Backtalk Cry Push you aside Sidetrack Curve Balls The Last Hurrah The Cheap Shot

23 Producing Responsible Behavior
Build Cooperation Teach Responsibility Turn Problem Students Around Initiate Preferred Activity Time “Family” approach

24 Game Plan Focus on Small Disruptions (they are more costly and big disruptions can grow from small ones) Learn to use Body Language Keep it cheap (the “look”) Commit to putting discipline on the front burner Mountains or Mole Hills?

25 The Game Plan Commitment and Follow-Through Weenie or Consistent?
Signal Clarity Monitor your Physical Response – No mixed messages Eliminate Backtalk Smile

26 Resource Jones, Fred. Tools for Teaching. 1st. Fredric H Jones & Associates, Print.

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