DESE Updates SCience Fall 2017

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Presentation on theme: "DESE Updates SCience Fall 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 DESE Updates SCience Fall 2017
John Kitchens November 13, 2017 Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

2 Assessment – Timeline

3 Assessment – Summary 2017-2018 School Year
ELA and Math: Year 1 of operational assessment, new MLS Data will be returned to districts Science: (Admin memo May 23, 2017) Statewide field test, new MLS Traditional participation rates No data will be returned to districts Social Studies: Operational test, previous MLS Scores returned within 5 business days

4 Assessment – Resources
Item Specifications Developed by Missouri teachers A guide for all those involved at each level of test development Classroom teachers can follow the same guidelines as state assessment developers

5 Assessment – Resources
MAP Grade-level EOC Blueprints Shows the structure of the assessment Links assessment to content ‘Weight’ of objectives represented Used in form development

6 Introduction New Expectations New Assessment NGSS-Like
3-D Learning Model Direction and traction New Assessment Plan Focus Schedule

7 The New Expectations - Overview
Documents Expectations Crosswalks Course Suggestions Item Specifications DESE Professional Learning Series “Regroups” Regional Meetings

8 The New Expectations - Overview
DESE Professional Learning Series “Regroups” Regional Meetings DESE Science Curriculum website: Professional Learning, Teacher Resources, Student Activities, Collaborative Classroom Projects Science Curriculum and Assessment Edmodo group group code: tfd9is

9 2.PS1.A.2 Science: Coding Grade Strand Core Idea Component Idea
Expectation 2.PS1.A.2

10 Science: Crosswalks

11 Science: 3-Dimensional Model
Practices Scientific inquiry vs. engineering design 8 Practices applying to both Science and Engineering Concepts Themes repeated throughout science and engineering Apply to other disciplines as well Core Ideas Practices and Concepts are the platform for Content The phenomena to be investigated

12 Lesson Plans/Instructional Models
5E Lesson Plans – The most common approach to properly addressing the new science expectations. Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate Theses steps allow students to investigate and test new ideas.

13 New Expectations in the Classroom
More Less/Fewer Student investigation Students gather information from multiple sources and summarizing Student journals, posters, reports, presentations with evidence and explanations Teacher providing info Student reading textbooks and answering questions at the end of chapters Worksheets

14 New Assessment Overview
Each step in the process involves groups of Missouri educators. Performance Level Descriptors Blueprints Item Specifications Item Development Content and Bias Review Performance Level Setting

15 Classroom Assessments
Formative assessments arise within the 5E Model. What students know/misconceptions engage Make/Test/Form new predictions explore Articulate understanding explain Apply the understanding elaborate Assess understanding of concept or skill evaluate

16 Science: Assessments New Expectations Census Field Test (2017-2018)
Grade-Level-Assessments (GLAs) Grade 5 Science MAP (required) Grade 8 Science MAP (required) End-of-Course (EOC) Assessments Physical Science (optional) Biology (required) New Expectations Operational Test ( ) First year of data to districts

17 Assessment – Timeline

18 Interface 2018 K – 6, February 22 – 24, 2018
Registration opening soon! Professional Development Motivation Collaboration Networking

19 Presidential Award for Excellence in Science and Math Teaching (PAEMST)
Nation’s highest honors for teaching math and science A certificate signed by the President of the United States. A paid trip to Washington, D.C., to attend a series of recognition events and professional development opportunities. A $10,000 award from the National Science Foundation Build lasting partnerships with colleagues across the nation. Recognizes teachers who implement high-quality instruction NSF administer the award on behalf of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.

20 Green Ribbon Schools U.S. Department of Education recognition award
Schools, Districts and Institutes of Higher Ed 3 Pillars: Environmental Impact; Health and Wellness; Environmental Education 3 Missouri Schools recognized in 2017: Maplewood-Richmond Heights MS, McKelvey Elementary, Parkway North H.S. MEEA

21 Questions?

John Kitchens Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education October, 2017

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