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Project Integration Deni Arifianto. Mengapa Memiliki Tahapan Proyek dan Tinjauan Manajemen? Sebuah proyek harus berhasil melewati setiap fase agar berlanjut.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Integration Deni Arifianto. Mengapa Memiliki Tahapan Proyek dan Tinjauan Manajemen? Sebuah proyek harus berhasil melewati setiap fase agar berlanjut."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Integration Deni Arifianto

2 Mengapa Memiliki Tahapan Proyek dan Tinjauan Manajemen? Sebuah proyek harus berhasil melewati setiap fase agar berlanjut ke tahap berikutnya Tinjauan manajemen harus terjadi setelah setiap tahap untuk mengevaluasi kemajuan proyek, kemungkinan keberhasilan, dan kompatibilitas dengan tujuan organisasi. 2

3 Konteks Proyek TI Proyek TI bisa sangat beragam dalam hal ukuran, kompleksitas, produk yang dihasilkan, area aplikasi, dan kebutuhan sumber daya Anggota tim proyek TI sering memiliki latar belakang dan keahlian yang beragam Proyek TI menggunakan beragam teknologi yang berubah dengan cepat. Bahkan dalam satu area teknologi, orang harus sangat terspesialisasi 3

4 Lima belas Fungsi Pekerjaan Manajer Proyek * Tentukan lingkup proyek Identifikasi pemangku kepentingan, pengambil keputusan, dan prosedur eskalasi Mengembangkan daftar tugas rinci (work breakdown structures) Perkiraan persyaratan waktu Kembangkan diagram alir manajemen proyek awal Identifikasi sumber daya dan anggaran yang dibutuhkan Evaluasi persyaratan proyek Mengidentifikasi dan mengevaluasi risiko Siapkan rencana kontinjensi Identifikasi interdependencies Identifikasi dan lacak milestone Berpartisipasi dalam tinjauan tahap proyek Amankan sumber daya yang dibutuhkan Mengelola proses kontrol perubahan Laporkan status proyek 4 *Northwest Center for Emerging Technologies, "Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skills Standards for Information Technology,"Belleview, WA, 1999

5 Keterampilan yang Disarankan untuk Manajer Proyek Manajer proyek membutuhkan beragam keterampilan Manajer proyek harus merasa nyaman dengan perubahan, memahami organisasi tempat mereka bekerja dan, dan dapat memimpin tim untuk mencapai tujuan proyek Manajer proyek membutuhkan “hard" dan “soft“ skill. Keterampilan keras meliputi pengetahuan produk dan mengetahui bagaimana menggunakan berbagai alat dan teknik manajemen proyek, dan soft skill termasuk kemampuan untuk bekerja dengan berbagai jenis orang. 5

6 Keterampilan yang Disarankan untuk Manajer Proyek  Communication skills: listening, persuading  Organizational skills: planning, goal-setting, analyzing  Team Building skills: empathy, motivation, esprit de corps  Leadership skills: set examples, be energetic, have vision (big picture), delegate, be positive  Coping skills: flexibility, creativity, patience, persistence  Technological skills: experience, project knowledge 6

7 Most Significant Characteristics of Effective and Ineffective Project Managers Lead by example Are visionaries Are technically competent Are decisive Are good communicators Are good motivators Stand up to upper management when necessary Support team members Encourage new ideas Set bad examples Are not self-assured Lack technical expertise Are poor communicators Are poor motivators 7 Effective Project Managers Ineffective Project Managers

8 8IT Project Management, Third Edition Chapter 4 The Key to Overall Project Success: Good Project Integration Management Project managers must coordinate all of the other knowledge areas throughout a project’s life cycle Many new project managers have trouble looking at the “big picture” and want to focus on too many details Project integration management is not the same thing as software integration

9 9IT Project Management, Third Edition Chapter 4 Framework for Project Integration Management Focus on pulling everything to- gether to reach project success!

10 10IT Project Management, Third Edition Chapter 4 Project Integration Management Processes Project Plan Development: taking the results of other planning processes and putting them into a consistent, coherent Document Project Plan Execution: carrying out the project plan Integrated Change Control: coordinating changes across the entire project

11 11IT Project Management, Third Edition Chapter 4 Project Plan Development A project plan is a document used to coordinate all project planning documents Its main purpose is to guide project execution Project plans assist the project manager in leading the project team and assessing project status Project performance should be measured against a baseline plan

12 12IT Project Management, Third Edition Chapter 4 Attributes of Project Plans Just as projects are unique, so are project plans Plans should be dynamic Plans should be flexible Plans should be updated as changes occur Plans should first and foremost guide project execution

13 13IT Project Management, Third Edition Chapter 4 Common Elements of a Project Plan Introduction or overview of the project Description of how the project is organized Management and technical processes used on the project Work to be done, schedule, and budget information

14 14IT Project Management, Third Edition Chapter 4 Stakeholder Analysis A stakeholder analysis documents important (often sensitive) information about stakeholders such as –stakeholders’ names and organizations –roles on the project –unique facts about stakeholders –level of influence and interest in the project –suggestions for managing relationships

15 15IT Project Management, Third Edition Chapter 4 Sample Stakeholder Analysis

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