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Bless The Lord (Lakewood)

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Presentation on theme: "Bless The Lord (Lakewood)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bless The Lord (Lakewood)

2 For He is great and mighty For He is great and greatly to be praised For He is great in mercy I will bless His holy name

3 For He is great in power For He is great a fortress is our God

4 For He is great in strength and honor I will bless the Lord of all

5 Bless the Lord bless the Lord At all times at all times

6 At all times at all times I will bless You with all that is within me I will bless the Lord

7 For You are great and mighty For You are great greatly to be praised For You are great in mercy

8 I will bless Your holy name For You are great in power For You are great fortress are You God

9 For You are great in strength and honor I will bless the Lord of all

10 I’ll say yes I will bless Your holy name With everything within me

11 I’ll say yes I will bless Your holy name Let everything within me say say yes

12 Bless the Lord At all times at all times

13 I will bless You with all that is within me I will bless the Lord

14 I will bless the Lord


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