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1 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answers.
Shakespeare has been viewed as a universal genius. William Shakespeare was a famous playwright and actor. The era was named for Queen Elizabeth because great works of drama and literature and a “cultural flowering” occurred during her reign. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answers.

2 The World of European Culture

3 Mannerism Mannerism emerged in Italy in the 1520 and 30’s
It broke down the values of balance, harmony, moderation, and proportion Elongated figures showed suffering, heightened emotions, and religious ecstasy El Greco- portrayed elongated figures in unusual yellows and greens against a black background The mood he depicts reflects the tensions created by the religious upheavals of the Reformation.

4 The Baroque Period Baroque replaced Mannerism.
Began in Italy and was adopted by the Catholic reform movement. Tried to join Renaissance ideals w/newly revived spiritual feelings Known for its dramatic effects that arouse emotions Baroque was used to show power, because the buildings became magnificent and rich. Ex. Versailles

5 The Throne of Saint Peter
Gian Lorenzo Bernini completed St. Peter’s Basilica with a wooden “Throne of Saint Peter” It seems to hover in midair as rays of heavenly light drive a mass of clouds toward the spectator.

6 Golden Age of Literature
England had a cultural flourishing during Elizabeth’s reign. William Shakespeare Works performed at the Globe Theater Actor and shareholder in Lord Chamberlain’s Men (Acting troupe) Low admissions allowed lower classes to attend, but his plays appealed to people in all classes. He is viewed as a universal genius Used masterful language and showed deep insight into human psychology.

7 Golden Age of Literature
Spain Lope de Vega wrote almost 1,500 plays Witty, charming, action-packed, and realistic. Miguel de Cervantes- Don Quixote Don Quixote- knight w/ lofty ideals Sancho Panza- fat, earthly realist (sidekick) Each come to value the other’s perspective Vision and hard work are necessary to achieve

8 Political Thought Thomas Hobbes- Leviathan
Before society, there was a “state of nature” Life is brutal and violent because human nature is self-interested To keep people from destroying each other, we need gov’t with an absolute ruler

9 Political Thought John Locke- Two Treatises of Government
Before society, people lived in freedom and equality, not violence and war People had natural rights (life, liberty, and property) They had trouble protecting those rights Establish government to protect rights Contract between people and gov’t establishes mutual obligations If it’s broken, the people have the right to overthrow the gov’t His ideas were important in the American and French Revolutions. Used in the Dec. of Independence and US Constitution

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