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Section 2 Watergate: Nixon’s Downfall

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1 Section 2 Watergate: Nixon’s Downfall
Chapter 24 Section 2 Watergate: Nixon’s Downfall

2 Nixon and the White House
Watergate scandal – Nixon administrations attempt to cover up a burglary of the Democratic National Headquarters at the Watergate office and apartment complex in Washington D.C.

3 Imperial Presidency Executive branch become most important due to
Great Depression WWII Cold War Nixon thought little of constitutional checks Impounded funds Slowed down segregation, busing (Southern Strategy) Invade Cambodia without Congressional approval

4 The President’s Men Above the Law? The Inner Circle
H.R. Haldeman – Chief of Staff John Ehrlichman- Chief Domestic Advisor John Mitchell- attorney general John Dean- presidential counsel Above the Law?

5 Bungled Burglary 2:30 a.m. on June 17, 1972
Burglars break into DNC office and hope to take photos and tap phones Committee to Reelect President (CRP) led by James McCord- former CIA John Mitchell- former attorney general


7 Cover- up Documents shredded
CIA tells FBI to stop investigation (national security) Paid Watergate burglars to buy their silence But, Washington Post led by Bob Woodard and Carl Bernstein keep digging

8 Cover- Up Unravels James McCord sent letter to Judge John Sirica indicating he lied under oath and Nixon administration is involved April 30, 1973, Dean, Haldeman, Ehrlichmann fired or resigned Nixon appears on t.v. and calls for investigation but the Senate starts their own led by Samuel Ervin Dean spills his guts…. Alexander Butterfield- “Nixon has tapes”

9 Saturday Night Massacre
Resignation of the attorney general and firing of his deputy after they refused to carry out Nixon’s order to fire special prosecutor, Archibald Cox V.P. Spiro Agnew resigns due to accepting bribes Nixon nominates Gerald Ford as V.P.

10 The Fall Nixon released transcripts of tapes but refuses to hand over actual tapes July 24, 1974 Supreme Court rules that Nixon must surrender tapes “I am not a crook” July 27, 1974 impeachment charges approved August 5, 1974 Nixon releases tapes, sort of… August 8, 1974 Nixon resigns

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