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Hormones that affect metabolism

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1 Hormones that affect metabolism

2 Metabolism The sum of all chemical processes in a cell.
Metabolic rate is the rate at which an organism uses energy. The higher a person’s metabolism, the more quickly they burn fuel.

3 Hormones directly involved in metabolism
Thyroxine (T4) (inactive form)** Triiodothyronine (T3) (active form) Both increase the rate at which cells burn glucose, therefore, they increase your metabolism. Both are produced by the thyroid gland.

4 Other hormones involved
Thyroid-releasing hormone (TRH) Produced by the hypothalamus when metabolic rate decreases. TRH stimulates the pituitary gland to produce thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), which is sent to the thyroid, stimulating it to produce T4 & T3. When T4 levels are high enough, the pathway is shut down (negative feedback!)

5 Hyperthyroidism Overactive thyroid  Over production of T3 & T4
Metabolism always accelerated Symptoms Sudden weight loss, rapid/irregular heart beat, excessive sweating, irritability/nervousness, tremors, sleep issues, etc. Can result in a goiter  an enlargement of the thyroid. Can be treated with medicine, sometimes surgery.

6 Hypothyroidism Underactive thyroid  underproduction of T3 & T4
Metabolism becomes sluggish Symptoms Weight gain, fatigue, increased sensitivity to cold, muscle weakness, muscle and joint aches, slowed heart rate, memory issues, depression. Can be treated with medicine. More common in women.

7 Feedback Since we only have 5 classes left, I want to take a few moments to have a small evaluation of the class – since I believe in lifelong learning, and you can always work to improve! This is YOUR feedback. Can include name or not. Write on loose leaf and bring up when you are done. Can be constructive, but not disrespectful! Activities, labs, lessons you liked. Why? Activities, labs, lessons you didn’t like. Why? Something that could be improved upon (not marking). Something that could be done differently – a different way to help you learn. Were there enough varieties of class activities, lessons, etc. Something you wished we could have done/learned that we didn’t. Was the website helpful?

8 Homework For homework, please research and bring notes with you on the following topics. You will be doing an in class group activity, which requires you do to your part and be prepared for the activity. At the end of class you will submit: The notes you prepared A reflection (1/2 page in length) Human Growth Hormone (HGH) by prescription for height gain Steroids (performance enhancing drugs) Hormones used within farming (beef industry, for example)

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