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Group 1 Group Members: 黄利、唐鑫、陈佳烨、孙梦焕、朱佳芬、郑梦琴.

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Presentation on theme: "Group 1 Group Members: 黄利、唐鑫、陈佳烨、孙梦焕、朱佳芬、郑梦琴."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group 1 Group Members: 黄利、唐鑫、陈佳烨、孙梦焕、朱佳芬、郑梦琴

2 Light A——Alice M——Mark Y——Yvonne I——Ida S——Sherry S——Sarah

3 Slogan: God said, “ Let there be light”; and there was light.
Then, there are us ! ——Bible

4 The Year’s at the Spring
——Robert Browning

5 Robert Browning Born: 7th May 1812 London, England
Die: 12th December 1889 Venice, Italy Profession: English poet and playwright Be famous for: dramatic monologue Style of his poem: irony, dark humour, social commentary, challenging vocabulary and syntax

6 Notable works Poems: Dramatic Lyrics(1842) 《戏剧抒情诗》
Men and Women (1855) 《男男女女》 The Ring and the Book 《指环与书》

7 Plays: Paracelsus (1835)《巴拉塞尔士》 Strafford (1837) Pippa Passes (1841)
《斯特拉福德》 Pippa Passes (1841) 《皮帕走过了》

8 Background of the poem The Year’s at the Spring
这首诗是罗伯特·勃朗宁的抒情诗剧Pippa Passes中的一支插曲。Pippa是剧中一名意大利纱厂贫穷的青年女工。她天真烂漫,相信世间所有的美好,时常在节日唱着歌走过街市。 Pippa Passes 全剧 分为:Morning、Noon、Evening、Night四部分,这首诗出现在Morning这幕剧。

9 The Year’s at the Spring
——Robert Browning The year’s at the spring, 一年正逢春 And the day’s at the morn; 一日正当晨 Morning’s at seven; 朝钟鸣七响 The hill-side’s dew-pearled; 露珠润半山 The lark’s on the wing; 云雀展翅飞 The snail’s on the thorn: 蜗牛荆上行 God’s in his Heaven—— 上帝天堂居 All’s right with the world! 万事皆井然

10 Theme: This poem described the beautiful morning scenery that Pippa saw in the hill-side. On the one hand, the choice of lyrics indicated that Pippa was artless (天真烂漫)and happy. She held the optimistic idea that the world is safe in God’s hand. On the other hand, the image of “All’s right with the world” was on the surface, actually, it reflected the severe class division in the 19th century.

11 Deviation: Lexical Deviation : Compound words——hill-side, dew-pearled
Semantic Deviation : Metonymy——lark : the capitalist snail : the laboring people wing : the advantages thorn : tough life Irony—— All’s right with the world! In detail, “The lark’s on the wing” means the capitalist took all advantages to lie in the high status. While “The snail’s on the thorn” means the laboring people who were in the low status lived a tough life and struggled to survive.

12 Overregularity: Phonological Overregularity :
Rhyme(VC)—— mornþ spring&wing Rhyme-scheme : abcd abcd Rhythmic Patterning : dimeter(两音步) in each line Syntactic Overregularity : Parallelism : The lark’s on the wing; The snail’s on the thorn The function of Parallelism : symmetry(对称) comparison(对比)


14 ə ɪə ə ə ɪ æ ə eɪ ə ə ɔ: ɔ: ɪ ə e ə ə ɪ aɪ u: ɜ: √ / √ √ / ① The year's at the spring ② And the day's at the morn; ③ Morning's at seven; ④ The hillside's dew-pearled; ⑤ The lark's on the wing; ⑥ The snail's on the thorn: ⑦ God's in His heaven— ⑧ All's right with the world! √ √ / √ √ / / √ √ / √ √ / √ √ / √ / √ √ / ə ɑ: ɒ ə ɪ ə eɪ ɒ ə ɔ: / √ √ / √ ɒ ɪ ɪ e ə / / √ √ / ɔ: aɪ ɪ ə ɜ:

15 ①The year‘s at the spring, (a)
②And day‘s at the morn; (b) ③Morning‘s at seven; (c) ④The hillside‘s dew-pearled(d) ⑤The lark‘s on the wing; (a) ⑥The snail‘s on the thorn: (b) ⑦God‘s in His heaven— (c) ⑧All‘s right with the world! (d) Iamb+Anapaest Anapaest Dactyl+Trochee Spondee+Anapaest

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