Mess Wid Me! A Place for Every Photo and Every Photo in It’s Place!

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Presentation on theme: "Mess Wid Me! A Place for Every Photo and Every Photo in It’s Place!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mess Wid Me! A Place for Every Photo and Every Photo in It’s Place!
Doreen Palucci

2 Photo Album Presentation
OBJECTIVE The participant will observe the steps to making a Photo Album PowerPoint Presentation and discuss its uses in the classroom.

3 Essential Questions Why would a photo album be useful in the classroom? How would you use this form of non-linguistic representation in keeping with State Standards?

4 Choosing your photos Select your photographs to use
Digital pictures (use low resolution because powerpoints use a lot of disk space. Best resolution for PPT is 640x480 72 pixels serves the purpose JPEG format for pictures is best To compress your pictures Point to View, then point to Toolbars, then click Picture. On the Picture toolbar ,click Compress Picture

5 Equipment Needed Computer with Microsoft PowerPoint
If you have Office XP, 2002, & 2003, you already have the photo album feature installed If you have Office 2000 Download photo album plug-in from the MS Download center at . Do a Search for “Powerpoint album” and install.

6 Create a file folder to store ALL THE PHOTOS needed for the album
Our Trip

7 Get your Hands-On!

8 Step 1… You need to open the photo album format as if you are inserting a new picture Insert > Picture > New Photo Album Click File/Disk and find the file folder with your pictures

9 Step 2: Choose Pictures…
Select or highlight the pictures that you would like to use. Press CTRL and CLICK (or CTRL A to select all). Click “Insert” and make sure that the Picture Layout says, “Fit to Slide”!

10 Step 3: Use this dialog box to build your photo album presentation.
You can use the controls to: insert pictures insert a text box (a slide for displaying text) preview, modify, or rearrange the pictures adjust the layout of the pictures on the slides add captions

11 Step 4: Click CREATE! TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS: Always use the
Format Photo Album dialog box when: making changes or updates to your photo album adding new pictures to your photo album.

12 Time to edit and play! Work the project like any other PowerPoint.
If pictures don’t cover the page, add a background. Crop or edit pictures on the slide. Add slide transition Animation Organize slides in the Slide Sorter View Don’t forget to save it!!!!

13 Ideas for albums Timeline School environments Community places
Geography landforms School picture book Field trips Art portfolios Student biographies Lab experiments Open House Geometry walk

14 To Add a Sound Set the Slide Transition and timing
On Slide One under Slide Transition choose your sound under Modify Or choose “Other Sound” for your own file (choose Apply to Master Slide when you want it to play for each slide)

15 Sound Continued… To adjust the settings for when the sound file stops, click the sound icon, right-click, and then click Custom Animation. In the Custom Animation task pane, click the arrow on the selected item in the Custom Animation list, and then click Effect Options. On the Effect tab, under Stop playing, do one of the following: To stop the sound file on mouse-click of this slide, select On click (the default). To stop the sound file after this slide, select After current slide. To keep the sound file playing for several slides, select After, and then set the total number of slides the file should play on.

16 Meets These National Educational Technology (NETS) Standards for Teachers
Teachers use technology to enhance their productivity and professional practice. Teachers use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers, parents, and the larger community in order to nurture student learning.

17 Closure Revisit the Essential Questions:
Why would a photo album be useful in the classroom? How could you use this form of non-linguistic representation in keeping with State Standards? Hope you had fun!!! P.S. Please complete an evaluation before you leave. Thanks!

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