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Hosea, Joel, … Amos - Tekoa

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1 Hosea, Joel, … Amos - Tekoa
Minor Prophets Hosea, Joel, … Amos - Tekoa

2 I. The Lord Roars From Zion 1:2
-The pastures mourn -The top of Carmel withers Lesson – When God speaks, people should listen. The Lord should not have to ‘roar’ for us to listen. A gentle whisper should be enough. There are consequences for not listening.

3 II. Indictment Of Six Surrounding Nations 1:3—2:3
The phrase – ‘for three transgressions and…’ Structure of indictment - Damascus 3 - Gaza 1:6 - Tyre 1:9 - Edom 1:11 - Ammon 1:13 - Moab 2:1

4 II. Indictment Of Six Surrounding Nations 1:3—2:3
The phrase – ‘for three transgressions and…’ Structure of indictment Indictment of Damascus and Gaza 1:3-8 for unnecessary cruelty Indictment of Tyre and Edom 1:9-12 for violating basic human behavior to a brother Indictment of Ammon and Moab 1:13—2:3 for depraved and barbaric cruelty

5 II. Indictment Of Six Surrounding Nations 1:3—2:3
The phrase – ‘for three transgressions and…’ Structure of indictment Indictment of Damascus and Gaza 1:3-8 for unnecessary cruelty Indictment of Tyre and Edom 1:9-12 for violating basic human behavior to a brother Indictment of Ammon and Moab 1:13—2:3 for depraved and barbaric cruelty LESSON – Be careful of agreeing with divine indictment of others and not seeing yourself, or to somehow think it only applies to others.

6 III. Indictment of Judah 2:4,5
Judah indicted for Despising the law of the Lord …for not keeping the commandments …for lying …for following lies LESSON – Listen for how to obey God’s word. Check yourself if you are trying to explain or justify not obeying God’s word.

7 IV. Indictment of Israel 2:6-16
Israel indicted for …selling the righteous 6 …selling the poor 6 …panting after the dust of earth on head of poor 7 …cultic temple prostitution 7 …lying down at every altar and …8 Israel history reviewed 2:8-13 Israel punishment summarized 2:14-16 LESSON – Our nation will be judged for how we treat the poor and for how we deal with sin. Is it not so …!

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