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Stress and Cognition.

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Presentation on theme: "Stress and Cognition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stress and Cognition

2 Perceive Stimulus  Thoughts Action

3 Tunnel Vision Tunnel Vision occurs when an individual is only able to focus on one or a few aspects of a situation.

4 Black and White Thinking
Black and White Thinking involves a belief that everything in the world fits into two distinct categories: good and bad, intelligent and stupid, yes and no.

5 Over-generalization Overgeneralization involves applying evidence from a specific incident to other areas of life.

6 Faulty Assumptions (Mind Reading)
Faulty Assumptions and Mind Reading involve making assumptions about what another person is thinking about you.

7 Catastrophizing & Awfulizing
Catastrophizing and Awfulizing involve making a minor hassle seem like a major tragedy.

8 What if…? This thinking pattern involves creating negative possibilities that usually represent the worst thing that could happen in any given situation.

9 Jumping to Conclusions
Jumping to Conclusions involves coming to a certain conclusion based on not enough information or facts.

10 Shoulds & Musts Belief in ‘shoulds’ and ‘musts’ involves believing that there are ways that the world should be, and then expecting that everything will always work in accordance with these ways.

11 Emotional Reasoning Emotional Reasoning involves believing that something must be true because it feels like it is true.

12 Personalization Personalization involves taking an event that is unrelated to the individual and making it meaningful.

13 Thought-Stopping Thought Stopping involves catching yourself in the middle of a negative thought. Once caught, you consciously tell yourself to stop thinking negatively.

14 Reframing Reframing involves looking at a negative thought from another perspective to provide a more positive outlook on the situation. This does not involve distorting reality.

15 Changing Toxic Thoughts
Awareness Refute faulty beliefs Visualization Prove yourself wrong! Restate in the positive Reframing Thought stopping Professional help

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