Alexander the Great.

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Presentation on theme: "Alexander the Great."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alexander the Great

2 Terms—Alexander the Great
Macedonia/Macedon Philip II (r. 359 – 336 BC) Olympias Cult of Dionysus Alexander III (r. 336 – 323 BC) Darius III of Persia Satraps Hellenization Alexandria The War of the Successors Ptolemaic (Ptolemy) Seleucid (Seleucus) Antigonid (Antigonus)

3 Macedon

4 Philip II

5 Philip II Conquered Greece. How? Strengthened military
Built up treasury United Macedon

6 Olympias

7 Cult of Dionysus

8 Cult of Dionysus

9 Alexander

10 Alexander and Aristotle

11 Macedonian Phalanx 18 foot long sarissa, a wooden pike with metal tip—hid maneuvers in the back

12 Macedonian Phalanx

13 Alexander Frees the Greeks

14 Darius III

15 Battle of Issus (333 BC)

16 Alexandria, Egypt

17 Library at Alexandria

18 Reproduction of Library Entry Hall

19 Temple Oracle at Ammon

20 Alexander Enters Babylon After Battle of Gaugamela (331 BC)

21 Alexander’s Empire (331 BC)

22 Alexander’s Empire (331 BC)

23 Hellenization Spreading of Greek culture
Combining eastern and western cultures

24 The War of the Successors
Result: Alexander’s empire divided among his generals

25 Ptolemaic Kingdom Ptolemy—right hand man Egypt & Libya

26 Seleucid Kingdom Seleucus – general
Babylon & eastern portions of empire

27 Antigonid Kingdom Antigonus—general Macedonia

28 Hellenistic “To Become Greek” Alexander’s most lasting achievement—spreading of Greek culture

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