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2 The Parable Of The Unjust Steward
Luke 16:1-8

3 Setting The Unjust Steward Lk 16:1-8
In The Perean Ministry Jn 10:40-42 In His 3rd year of preaching A little more than 3 months to crucifixion Following the 3 parables on lost things (Lk 15), Jesus tells 3 parables on stewardship Lk 16:1-31; 17:7-10

4 Setting The Unjust Steward Lk 16:1-8
It is at Lk 17:11 where we read that Jesus begins His final ascent to Jerusalem and the death that awaited Him

5 The Parable The Unjust Steward Lk 16:1-8
A rich man had a steward v. 1a “Steward” = one who manages the affairs of another This steward squandered his master’s possessions v. 1b Even Jesus called him “unjust” v. 8

6 The Parable The Unjust Steward Lk 16:1-8
What will be done to the steward? v. 2 He must appear before his master He must give an accounting He is going to be removed from his job The steward’s thinking… vv. 3-4 He made his living off other men’s sweat

7 The Parable The Unjust Steward Lk 16:1-8
The steward’s thinking… vv. 3-4 Never did he entertain confessing his guilt, repenting of his crime, and begging his master’s forgiveness What about “honorable” labor? He now knows he has been found out !!

8 The Parable The Unjust Steward Lk 16:1-8
The steward’s thinking… vv. 3-4 He is only thinking of himself, his future He is “not strong enough to dig…too ashamed to beg” (“I do have my pride!”) Correct…but not too ashamed to steal from his master !?!?

9 The Parable The Unjust Steward Lk 16:1-8
The steward’s thinking… vv. 3-4 His “motivation” was to find some solution that would put him in good standing with his master’s debtors He would “cook the books” 1 more time to ingratiate himself to those debtors

10 The Parable The Unjust Steward Lk 16:1-8
The steward’s thinking… vv. 3-4 His “solution” involved using others for his own benefit (toward the debtors) and fraud, cheating (toward his master)

11 The Parable The Unjust Steward Lk 16:1-8
The steward’s actions… vv. 5-7 A debtor owed 100 measures of oil 1 “measure” (bath) = 8-9 gallons He was to reduce his bill to 50 measures His “savings” = over 400 gallons of oil

12 The Parable The Unjust Steward Lk 16:1-8
The steward’s actions… vv. 5-7 A debtor owed 100 measures of wheat 1 “measure” (kor) = bushels He was to reduce his bill to 80 measures His “savings” = over 200 bushels of wheat

13 The Parable The Unjust Steward Lk 16:1-8
The steward’s actions… vv. 5-7 These were not small amounts…they represented significant amounts of money The debtors would certainly have been pleased with these changes…hopefully enough to “return the favor”

14 The Parable The Unjust Steward Lk 16:1-8 The master’s reaction… v. 8a
One would expect him to be even more furious at having been cheated again Instead, he “praised the unjust steward because he acted shrewdly” “Prudent; mindful of one’s own interests”

15 The Application The Unjust Steward Lk 16:1-8
This kind of “shrewdness” is not to be found in kingdom citizens Rom 12:16 Yet, Jesus admits “sons of this world” are more shrewd in relation to their own kind than “sons of light” v. 8b

16 The Application The Unjust Steward Lk 16:1-8
The master did not praise the steward He praised his shrewdness…his focus on his future and his resourcefulness The steward ensured his well-being when he would be out of a job

17 The Application The Unjust Steward Lk 16:1-8
The steward was a scoundrel…but he was a whole-hearted scoundrel!! He was far-sighted & totally committed to the way he wanted to live…he took the necessary steps to bring his plans to reality

18 The Application The Unjust Steward Lk 16:1-8
The Lord expects His disciples to show such foresight Eph 5:8-14 He expects us to be single-minded re: our duties in His kingdom Mt 5:8 Jas 1: :8 Mt 6:19-24, 33

19 The Application The Unjust Steward Lk 16:1-8
The final exhortation vv. 9-13 We are to “make friends by means of unrighteous mammon…” v. 9a This doesn’t mean we are to act like this unjust steward It means we are to be proper stewards

20 The Application The Unjust Steward Lk 16:1-8
The final exhortation vv. 9-13 When “it (the mammon) fails” (is used), we will have secured a future place in eternal dwellings v. 9b Faithfulness is demonstrated in duties, whether large or small v. 10

21 The Application The Unjust Steward Lk 16:1-8
The final exhortation vv. 9-13 Unfaithfulness re: our stewardship with mammon will not result in eternal success vv Mammon is to be used in serving God, not in being served as an “idol” v. 13

22 The Lesson The Unjust Steward Lk 16:1-8 What kind of steward am I?
God has entrusted things into my charge for which I will give an account Physical blessings (money, assets, etc.) Acts 2: : Rom 15:27 Gal 6:10

23 The Lesson The Unjust Steward Lk 16:1-8 What kind of steward am I?
God has entrusted things into my charge for which I will give an account Spiritual blessings (His word) Rom 3:2 1 Tim 1: Tim 1: :2

24 The Lesson The Unjust Steward Lk 16:1-8 What kind of steward am I?
Am I using these things to serve eternal purposes? Am I robbing my master? (God) Am I whole-heartedly devoted to being a “son of light?”


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