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Southeast Asia and the Pacific

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1 Southeast Asia and the Pacific

2 Why Southeast Asia and the Pacific?
Southeast Asia was a prosperous Asian trade zone, dominated by Buddhist, Muslim, and Hindu religions when the Europeans arrived in the 1500s. The Pacific was a quiet region of seafaring warrior people. Both areas were full of resources that Westerners sought for their growing, industrial societies in the mid 19th century.

3 France Took: French Indochina:
Mainland Southeast Asia under the control of France (today: Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia). Vietnamese officials ordered the persecution and execution of Christian converts and missionaries in the mid 1800s. France invaded.

4 France and Indochina: It won control of trade in the region as well (especially what resources? 4) rubber rice teak wood tin

5 The Netherlands took: The Dutch East Indies (today: Indonesia)—
the Netherlands based themselves in Java and the Mollucas (Spice Islands); List four resources, (4) coffee, indigo, spices; Later, petroleum.

6 Great Britain took: Burma (Myanmar) Malaya (Malaysia)
Burmese put up much, futile resistance. Malaya (Malaysia) the goals here were (2) Rubber tin Singapore at the southern tip of Malaya, a rich port city.

7 One nation managed to avoid an imperialist take-over:
Mongkut: King of Siam (today: Thailand). Using a British tutor, he westernized himself, family, The government He managed to make reasonable treaties with the Imperialists and keep Siam independent. His son, Chulalongkorn: ended slavery and managed to end the unequal treaties.

8 Liliuokalani: last Hawai’ian ruler.
Overthrown by US planters when she planned to nationalize land for the benefit of native-Hawai’ians. A modern Hawai’ian

9 Hawai’i Taken by US planters
American planters seized her government had unauthorized help from a US diplomat US naval forces EC: US President _________________, refused to authorize taking Hawai’i. Grover Cleveland did not know it had happened till much later, initially wanted to give it back. US Congress wanted Hawai’i…. Hawai’i was annexed (added) to the United States.

10 Spanish-American War:
War between Spain and the US over Cuba, it expanded into the Caribbean and the Pacific.

11 West Pacific The Philippines had belonged to Spain since the 1500s.
By 1860, Western-educated Filipinos, led by _____________, demanded better treatment from the Spanish. Jose Rizal, The opportunity for independence came in the late 1890s…..

12 US takes over the PI The US had encouraged Filipino rebels with hopes of winning independence. The US easily defeated Spain globally. Instead of giving Filipinos their nation, the US took control of them after paying Spain _________________ $20 million. About one-third of the American Congress were against taking the Philippines.

13 cartoon analysis How do you know this is a US cartoon?
Minneapolis newspaper What is the cartoonist’s (and probably his reading audience) view of Filipino’s? They are dark, backwards savages. (wild hair, childish look, grass skirt) What is the US cartoonist’s concern in the mind of the US government (as portrayed by William McKinley’s face) would the US return the Philippines to Spain? What is the cartoonist’s (and supposedly the world’s) opinion of the US doing that? Explain. (2) It would be bad. The cartoonist shows the direction of Spain as a hole and the “Filipino” has a look of fear on his face. The opinion, even in McKinley’s face, is that the US should ‘protect ‘the Philippines.

14 US takes over President McKinley’s argument for taking the Philippines was twofold: the US feared, European imperialists, especially Germany, would move in and take the Philippines from the weak Filipino government. He believed the Filipinos were unfit to run their own government. US Paternalism: foreign lands would benefit under US rule.

15 Filipino Resistance Rebels, led by__________________, began the Philippine Insurrection, Emilio Aguinaldo which failed after two years, It cost thousands of American and hundreds of thousands of Filipinos lives. There were accusations of US atrocities against Filipinos

16 US Territory The US did allow Filipinos to participate in an American dominated legislature. In the Imperialist pattern, the US modernized the Philippines in order to make as much money off of its new territory as possible: (EC 3) fruit, timber rubber. The U.S. also built a large US Navy base at Subic, near Manila. Later, it would build Clark Field for the Army Air Corps

17 Samoa In the 1870s, the US took control of part of Samoa and Germany took another part as did Britain. (EC 3) spices, timber, copra (cocoanut derivative used for animal feed).

18 hwk

19 standards check, 328 Question: They fiercely resisted European rule.

20 Unfair Economics Europeans developed Southeast Asia, but also made all the money from the stronger economies there. Little wealth went to the Southeast Asians.

21 Map Skills, 329 Questions 2 The British The French 3 The Dutch

22 Thinking Critically, p. 330 1. Pre-colonial traditions were weakened when many community members migrated to find work to pay their taxes. 2. The rivals might fight each other when not restricted by colonial rule.

23 Standards Check, p. 331 Question:
They bought the country from Spain for $20 million and then crushed the Filipino rebellion.

24 Standards Check, p. 331 Question:
If the United States did not take Hawai’i, Britain or Japan might

25 Brief Response What were Imperial motives for taking control of Pacific and SE Asian lands?

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