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Congress Chapter 9.

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Presentation on theme: "Congress Chapter 9."— Presentation transcript:

1 Congress Chapter 9

2 The Functions of Congress
Lawmaking Representation Service to Constituents Oversight Public Education Conflict-Resolution

3 The Powers of Congress Enumerated Powers Necessary and Proper Clause
Checks on Congress

4 House-Senate Differences
Size and Rules Debate and Filibustering Prestige 4

5 House-Senate Differences

6 Congressional Apportionment
Reapportionment : allocation of seats in the House to each state after each census. Redistricting: redrawing of the boundaries of districts within each state. Gerrymandering: legislative boundary-drawing tactics by dominant state party that maximizes its electoral strength at the expense of the minority party.

7 Congress as a Career: Election to Congress
 The winners of congressional seats are not representative of the general population. Members of Congress tend to be disproportionately white, male, highly educated, and employed in professional settings (the most common of which is as an attorney).





12 Congress: An Institution Divided
Congress reflects the individualism and diversity that characterizes the United States as a nation.  Congress closely reflects aspects of American culture like individualism, and in some senses can be considered a microcosm of American diversity.  The weaknesses of Congress are its inability to address broad national issues in a coherent fashion, and its tendency to cater to special interests.

13 You Can Make a Difference: Why Should You Care About Congress?
To find out who your members of Congress: House of Representatives: U.S. Senate: To track the voting records of members of Congress:

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