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Wellards Diploma 2012.

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1 Wellards Diploma 2012

2 Summary Following consultation with the industry, Wellards Diploma on the NHS has been restructured to provide a flexible, intuitive and engaging learning experience Focusing on the business value of heightened customer knowledge, it encourages user-driven development, allowing you to identify where the changing NHS is relevant to your job role It looks at obstacles and opportunities you may encounter in the field, and encourages you to feed this into your account plans It examines different levels of customer, their mindsets, and how you can better engage with them

3 How it's presented Separated into five channels covering vital NHS topics, each area is set out in an easy-to-follow grid, providing bite-sized elements that you can tailor according to your needs Each element is printable You can read only the material applicable to you, and still pass the exam Exams test understanding of the overall theme, not recall of specific facts No lock-out period — if you fail the exam on your first attempt, you can manage your learning yourself and take the exam again Top documents, further information links, related courses and resources are given on every channel, if you want to take your knowledge and understanding further

4 The five channels NHS structure (the basics) Who are your customers
The five channels NHS structure (the basics) Who are your customers? How will your existing relationships change with the proposed NHS reforms and how will this affect the industry? This channel will help you address these questions and give you some pointers on how to handle your customers Link: NHS structure (the basics)

5 The five channels The changing NHS: policies and strategies Policy decisions and strategic direction from the Department of Health and emerging bodies are set to revolutionise the way the industry does business This channel gives you essential insight into the drivers of reform and future developments to mould your offer to customer needs and inform your interaction with customers Link: The changing NHS

6 The five channels NHS finance and currencies How can you make NHS finance work for you? Are you clear on the big issues, such as how much money flows through the NHS? Do you know how much money the service has to spend? Or what impact the Health Act may have? You will find the answers to these questions, and more, within this section Link: NHS finance and currencies

7 The five channels QIPP As the most important driver within the NHS, you need to establish a way of positioning your product within this government agenda Here you will find a definition of the quality, innovation, productivity and prevention programme, highlighting why it is so important including case studies and examples to allow you to apply your knowledge Link: QIPP 

8 The five channels NHS market access What is market access and how can you achieve it? Who are your emerging customers and how can you achieve value-based selling? With the focus on how you can achieve value for money and improved patient outcomes, this dedicated section covers topics to help you understand and achieve market access Link: NHS market access


10 Get in touch If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, please get in touch on or Wellards Diplomas on the NHS for Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales are remaining in their current format

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