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When you think about money what emotions do you feel?

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2 When you think about money what emotions do you feel?
peace, excitement, love, stress, worry, shame Do you love money?

3 What do you believe about money?
Too much is selfish or worldly. Other people are capable of having it but not me. I’m not good with money. More money would make life easier. More money would make me happier. It’s my husbands job to make the money. I am not capable of making money. I’m not motivated by money.

4 Shame and scarcity Shame: I should understand this by now. I’m not responsible (and I should be). I’m not good with money (and I should be). Shame results in hiding Scarcity: There’s not enough. Other people having money means I may not have as much money. Scarcity results in fear based action

5 The Abundance Scale

6 Unlearning shame and scarcity
I love to pay good money for good things. I love to give money. I am generous. I am capable of making any amount of money I want. We are good at money. People who are good with money spend a lot of money. The amount I have is exactly the amount I need. There is plenty ($ 1million per person) Money is temporary. It flows. I know how to love so I can love money. (respect it, take care of it, spend time with it) Money makes you more of who you are. With more money you can do more good. Money is fun and easy.

7 4 types of spending 1. Necessary and Strategic Spending 2. Joy Spending 3. Impulse Spending 4. Scarcity Spending

8 Feb. Challenge: Connect and fall in love with your money
For 1 week track your spending (or check your account daily) and categorize everything by spending type. When you impulse spend or joy spend beyond what you planned, fill out an I love money worksheet. Adopt a new belief about money. (Pick 1 and write it down)

9 Minimizing Joy and Impulse Spending
Choose the disappointment. Find joy replacements What do I really want? Never impulse buy your joy spend Find a more useful way to problem solve or compete


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