Corn and Soybean Differentiation Using Multi-Spectral Landsat Data

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Presentation on theme: "Corn and Soybean Differentiation Using Multi-Spectral Landsat Data"— Presentation transcript:

1 Corn and Soybean Differentiation Using Multi-Spectral Landsat Data
Freeborn County Minnesota, Matt McGuire and Andrew Munsch

2 Importance of Corn and Soy
Minnesota’s Leading Agricultural Commodities Ethanol Subsidies Increasing Worldwide Soy Demand

3 Minnesota’s Top Corn Counties

4 How to Differentiate Corn and Soy
Spectral Properties Change During Growth

5 Recent Trends in Corn and Soy
Use Pre-Classed CDL’s (Crop Data Layers) Matrix Union Can Detect Total Field Area of Both Can Detect Crop Rotation

6 Sample CDL Image

7 Corn and Soy Field Areas

8 Corn and Soy Rotation

9 Study Area: Freeborn County MN
Landsat 5 Image: Landsat 8 Image:2013 Both Images Taken On July 16, July 14

10 “Quick and Dirty” 2-Class Unsupervised Classification of 2008 Landsat 5 Image
Create a “Corn and Soy” only mask using the 2008 CDL (recode) Stack and Extract Study Area From 2008 Landsat 5 Image Run Simple K-Means Unsupervised Classification With 2 Output Classes

11 Results of 2-Class Unsupervised

12 Comparison of Classification With 2008 CDL Image
Use Matrix Union Pixels Classified As: Reference Class Corn Soy Total Producer's Acc 777038 59587 836625 92.88% 81344 555095 636439 87.22% 858382 614682 User Accuracy 90.52% 90.31% 90.43% Total Accuracy

13 Landsat NDVI Vs 2008 CDL

14 Signature Mean Plot of 2008 Classification

15 Results of 8-Class Unsupervised Classification of 2013 Landsat



18 2013 Initial Crop Estimates
Pixels (Classified Image) Estimated Acres Actual Acreage Planted Error% Corn 772472 13.20% Soy 714161 88.50%


20 2013 Initial Crop Estimates
Pixels (Classified Image) Estimated Acres Actual Acreage Planted Error% Corn 772472 13.20% Soy 501850 32.50%

21 Final Re-Classed Image

22 Issues and Future Improvements
Use multi-temporal data Use elevation data for field flooding Temporal Resolution Issues Cloud Cover

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