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Tafsir (interpretation)

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Presentation on theme: "Tafsir (interpretation)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tafsir (interpretation)
Abu Ja‘far Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari (d. 923) Mukhtasar Ta’rikh al-Rusul wa’l-Muluk (Abbreviated History of Prophets and Kings) Jami‘ al-Bayan ‘an Ta’wil Ay al-Qur’an (Compilation of What is Clear about the Explanation of the Verses of the Qur’an)

2 Muhammad ibn Isma‘il al-Bukhari
Sahih (Authoritative Traditions, contains about 7500 hadiths) isnad = chain of transmitters e.g. Ibn ‘Abbas informed me that ‘Ali ibn Sa‘id said that Abu Hurayra said, on the authority of Zayd ibn Thabit, that the Prophet said…

3 Trends in Islamic practice:
Traditionalists: Adhering to tradition and texts that have developed over the ages. Theoretically opposed to change Islamists (Literalists/Fundamentalists): Seeking return to pious practice of early Muslim community through use of only Qur’an and hadith. Rejecting later scholarship. Include majority of extremist fringe that one tends to see in the media

4 Trends in Islamic practice:
Modernists: Advocating adaptation to modern times. Look for spirit of teachings of Qur’an and hadith. Faith as a personal matter. Interpreting teachings of texts in light of modern ideas on democracy, freedom, social justice

5 Abdullah Yusuf Ali (d. 1953) Indian, educated in India and England Originally Shi‘ite, but was concerned for all Muslims. Also modernist and mystical tendencies

6 Muhammad Abduh (d. 1905) and Muhammad Rashid Rida (d. 1935) Modernists advocating Islamic reform. Edited Tafsir al-Manar (Interpretation of the Minaret)

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