Government and the State

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Presentation on theme: "Government and the State"— Presentation transcript:

1 Government and the State

2 What is government? Government- institution through which a society makes and enforces its public policies Public Policies- all the things a government decides to do 3 Basic types of power Legislative Executive Judicial

3 The State State- a body of people, living in a defined territory, with a government, that can enforce laws without consent of higher authority Population Territory Sovereignty Government

4 Origin of the state Force Theory- created through force
Evolutionary Theory- develop naturally from family model Divine Right Theory- god mad it, gave people right to rule Social contract Theory- agree to create state, out of necessity

5 The Purpose of Government
Form a more perfect union Establish justice Provide for the common defense Promote the General welfare Secure blessings of Liberty

6 Classifying governments
Who can participate Geographical distribution of power within the state Relationship between legislative and executive

7 Types of Government Democracy- supreme political authority rests with the people Direct Democracy- vote for laws directly Indirect (Republic)- vote for representatives Dictatorship- answers to self and not people Autocracy- single person unlimited power Oligarchy- ruled by elite

8 Geographical Distribution of power
Unitary Government- centralized government Federal Government- governing powers divided between central and local governments Confederate Government- alliance of independent states

9 Legislative and Executive Branches
Presidential Government- separation of powers between executive and legislative branches (coequal) Parliamentary Government- executive branch is prime minister and cabinet, they are members of the legislative branch, PM leader of majority party (or coalition)

10 Foundations of Democracy
1. fundamental worth and dignity of every person 2. respect for the equality of all persons 3. faith in majority rule and an insistence on minority rights 4. acceptance of the necessity of compromise 5. insistence upon the widest possible degree of individual freedom

11 Responsibilities and Duties of citizenship
Jury duty Attend school Pay taxes Register for the draft Obey the law Responsibilities Voting Volunteering participating

12 Democracy and the free enterprise system
Individual freedom regulation

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