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Research on the armed forces website

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1 Research on the armed forces website
I need to find out more about career options in the army. I definitely want to join the armed forces but I want to earn as much money as possible. I also don’t know if I want to join straight away or experience uni life first. What should I do? Research on the armed forces website Arrange a phone call with an army careers adviser Research university options

2 Research the pros and cons of uni life
According to the armed forces website, officer start on £7,000 more a year than soldiers. I could join as an officer with A levels, so I’m not sure I need to apply for uni. I feel like I want to experience uni life though. What should I do next? Research the pros and cons of uni life Arrange a phone call with an army careers adviser Research university options

3 Ask about extra curricular activities to develop leadership skills
I spoke to an army careers adviser. They told me that although you only need A levels to become an officer, it can be competitive so I might be more successful with a degree. They also told me I might need to develop my leadership skills to be successful. What should I do next? Ask about extra curricular activities to develop leadership skills Start application to become an officer Research university options

4 Attend a university open day
There are lots of university courses linked to my A levels. I’m most interested in studying Politics, History or Economics. I am still concerned about the cost of uni though. What should I do next? Attend a university open day Research funding options for university Start application to become an officer

5 Research university funding options
I liked the look of the uni I visited and learnt more about the different courses I could study. If I want to apply, I will need to write a personal statement and some unis might require an interview. What should I do next? Research university funding options Start writing personal statement alone Ask tutor for help with personal statement

6 Attend a university open day
I can get a student loan for my fees and up to £8,430 to live off each year. Some unis also offer bursaries which you don’t pay back. I’m still worried though because all those loans will leave me with at least £53,000 of debt. What should I do next? Attend a university open day Start application to become an officer Start application to become a soldier

7 Attend a university open day
Lots of people disagree about the pros and cons of uni. I’m excited by the idea of getting involved in clubs and societies and having some fun before I join the army. Overall, I think I at least want to apply for uni. What should I do next? Attend a university open day Start application to become an officer Start application to become a soldier

8 Research university options
I asked my form tutor about extra curricular activities at school. I’m now helping to coach younger children football to develop my leadership skills. What should I do next? Research university options Start application to become an officer Start application to become a soldier

9 Do practice tests online
I’ve started my application to become an officer but am worried I won’t past the numerical and verbal reasoning tests. What should I do next? Do practice tests online Ask for help from teachers in school Apply to be a soldier instead

10 Arrange a phone call with an army careers adviser
I’ve started my application to become a soldier but I’m not sure how to demonstrate I have the skills, or if I have enough experience. I’m also not sure what specific role I want to apply for. What should I do? Arrange a phone call with an army careers adviser Research different roles online Visit university open day

11 I’m confident it’s as strong as possible. What should I do next?
I have worked with my tutor to write and improve my personal statement. I’m confident it’s as strong as possible. What should I do next? Submit application Apply to be an officer instead Apply to be a soldier instead

12 Use UCAS website for guidance
I had a go at working on my personal statement but I don’t really know what I’m doing and am not sure it’s good enough to get in. What should I do next? Use UCAS website for guidance Ask tutor for help

13 Continue application to become an officer
I’ve completed some practice tests and am now more confident about my verbal and numerical reasoning. What should I do next? Continue application to become an officer Start application to become a soldier instead Attend a university open day

14 Complete practice tests online
I asked a Maths teacher at school to help me with numerical reasoning. They went through some examples with me, explaining the steps, and I feel much more confident. What should I do next? Complete practice tests online Continue application to become an officer Attend a university open day

15 Continue application to become a soldier
After discussing with an army careers adviser I’ve made a list of my skills and decided the best role to apply for. What should I do next? Continue application to become a soldier Start application to become an officer Attend university open day

16 Continue soldier application
After some online research there are lots of roles I’d be interested in. I used the army's online role finder to highlight my skills. I think I want to work in something related to technology, with a chance to work outside. What should I do next? Continue soldier application Arrange a phone call with an army careers adviser Start officer application instead

17 Improve personal statement on your own
UCAS has been really helpful and I have written a first draft of my personal statement. What should I do next? Improve personal statement on your own Ask for help from tutor

18 I’m confident it’s as strong an application as possible.
I have worked with my tutor to write and improve my personal statement. I’m confident it’s as strong an application as possible. What should I do next? Submit application Apply to be an officer instead Apply to be an soldier instead

19 Ask for help from tutor with personal statement
I’ve improved my personal statement and have done the best I can but I’m still not sure it’s good enough to get into uni. What should I do next? Ask for help from tutor with personal statement Apply to be an officer instead Apply to be an soldier instead

20 Start application for officer instead
I’ve completed my application to become a soldier. It will be a long process before I actually get accepted. I will still have to have an assessment centre where my physical and mental strength will be tested. What should I do next? Submit application Start application for officer instead Start application for university instead

21 Start application for soldier instead
I’ve completed my application to become an officer. It’ll be a long process before I’m officially accepted, including an interview, medical assessment and physical assessment. What should I do next? Submit application Start application for soldier instead Start application for university instead

22 Click here to explore another character
Congratulations! You’ve been accepted to the next stage to become an officer! Click here to explore another character

23 Click here to explore another character
Congratulations! You’ve been accepted to the next stage to become a soldier! Click here to explore another character

24 Click here to explore another character
Congratulations! You’ve been accepted into university! Click here to explore another character

25 Congratulations!

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