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No body, no situation and no place is beyond God’s care.

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Presentation on theme: "No body, no situation and no place is beyond God’s care."— Presentation transcript:

1 No body, no situation and no place is beyond God’s care.

2 What is Missio? What kind of projects does Missio support? Approximately how many homes could you find the Red Box in? A) 100,000 B) 200,000 C) 300,000

3 What is Missio?

4 What is Missio? How many children up to age 14 benefit from our worldwide projects every year? 4 million 40,000 400,000

5 How does Missio fulfil this mission?

6 Missio Quiz continued Missio UK’s work is supplemented by the Government by how much per year? A) £5,000 B) £10,000 C) £15,000 Missio supports Catholics in how many countries? A) 120 B) 133 C) 157

7 The purpose of our mission?
Pope Francis

8 The purpose of our mission?
‘To identify the material and immaterial needs of the people and try to meet them as we can. It is love of others, as our Lord preached.’ Pope Francis

9 Education supporting mission
Consider how our schools support the building of a society based on fraternity and solidarity. ‘Catholic education provides a remarkable support to ecclesial communities engaged in the new evangelization. [They] contribute to building a society based on fraternity and solidarity.’ CCed Consider how our schools strengthen the mission of the Universal Church.

10 How might Missio support this?
No one feels excluded Gospel values highlighted Pupils consider their role within the world Understanding of Catholicism develops Faith grows

11 How might Missio support this?
Scripture A story Basic theology Catholic Social Teaching Prayer

12 How might Missio support this?

13 Blessed Oscar Romero, August 15, 1917
“Let us not develop an education that creates in the mind of the student a hope of becoming rich and having the power to dominate. Let us form in the heart of a child and young person the idea of loving, of preparing oneself to serve and giving oneself to others.” Blessed Oscar Romero

14 No body, no situation and no place is beyond God’s care.

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