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Section 15.2 Flaws of Voting

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1 Section 15.2 Flaws of Voting

2 What You Will Learn Fairness Criteria Majority Criterion
Head-to-Head Criterion Monotonicity Criterion Irrelevant Alternative Criterion

3 Fairness Criteria Mathematicians and political scientists have agreed that a voting method should meet the following four criteria in order for the voting method to be considered fair. Majority Criterion Head-to-head Criterion Monotonicity Criterion Irrelevant Alternatives Criterion

4 Majority Criterion If a candidate receives a majority (more than 50%) of the first-place votes, that candidate should be declared the winner.

5 Head-to-Head Criterion
If a candidate is favored when compared head-to-head with every other candidate, that candidate should be declared the winner.

6 Monotonicity Criterion
A candidate who wins a first election and then gains additional support without losing any of the original support should also win a second election.

7 Irrelevant Alternatives Criterion
If a candidate is declared the winner of an election and in a second election one or more of the other candidates is removed, the previous winner should still be declared the winner.

8 Summary of the Voting Methods and Whether They Satisfy the Fairness Criteria
May not satisfy Irrelevant alternatives Always satisfies Monotonicity Head-to-head Majority Pairwise comparison Plurality with elimination Borda count Plurality Method Criteria

9 Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem
It is mathematically impossible for any democratic voting method to simultaneously satisfy each of the fairness criteria: The majority criterion The head-to-head criterion The monotonicity criterion The irrevelant alternative criterion

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