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Classwork: p.33 (27abc run off, 29ab run off, 31, 33ab run off)

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Presentation on theme: "Classwork: p.33 (27abc run off, 29ab run off, 31, 33ab run off)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Day 3: Plurality with elimination, Runoff method, Condorcet criterion (Txt:1.2,1.3 & SOL: DM.8)
Classwork: p.33 (27abc run off, 29ab run off, 31, 33ab run off) Homework (day 3): p.33 (28 run off, 30 run off, 32, 34ab run off) Project Presentations next block

2 Plurality with Elimination (Sequential Run-Off)
Each voter votes for one candidate. A candidate that receiving the majority of the votes is declared the winner. If no candidate receives a majority of the votes, then the candidate/candidates with the fewest votes is dropped from the ballot and a new election is held. You follow this process until a candidate receives the majority of votes.

3 Ex How many voters are there? 33
6 7 5 3 9 1st C A B D 2nd 3rd 4th How many voters are there? 33 Therefore how many are needed for a majority? 17 A = 10, B = 9, C = 11, D = 3 Who has the majority? No one so D looses and is eliminated

4 Therefore A wins!!!! 6 7 5 3 9 1st C A B D 2nd 3rd 4th 6 10 5 3 9 1 C
6 10 5 3 9 1 C A B 2 Eliminate D 22 11 1 A C 2 6 10 5 3 9 1 C A 2 Eliminate B Therefore A wins!!!!

5 Run – off Method
You only keep the top two first place voters and have an election between those two.

6 Ex How many voters are there? 28 How many votes does each person have?
A = 6, B = 5, C = 8, D = 0 E = 9 Therefore how many are needed for a majority? 15 Who should you keep? C and E 8 9 5 4 2 1st C E B A 2nd D 3rd 4th 5th 8 9 5 4 2 1 C E 19 9 1 C E 2 4) Who is the winner? C

7 Condorcet Criterion 1. If candidate X can defeat each of the other candidates in a head-to-head vote, then X is the winner of the election. Say you have candidates: A,B,C,D First say A vs. B if B wins Then try B vs. C if B wins Then try B vs. D However, if C won in step 2 then you have to go back and check C vs. A and C vs. D

8 Ex A B C A versus B 3 to B wins A B C B versus C 5 to 2 B wins A B C

9 This video demonstrates determining a winner in an election by plurality, borda count, instant run-off, and sequential pairwise voting. With each method, the winner is different, even though the votes have remained the same. MMQINIt4




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