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Religion & The Middle Ages

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1 Religion & The Middle Ages
As we have seen throughout the Early, and now High Middle Ages, religion played a large role in all levels of society The people of the Middle Ages were deeply religious and would attend Church services frequently These people saw evidence of God’s hand in their everyday lives Felt that religion & God brought them success or failure, sickness or health, and rain or drought If times were tough, people felt that God was punishing them for their sins Everyone had to balance between good and evil throughout their lives; you were to be judged after death Good = Heaven, Bad = Hell…

2 Seven Deadly Sins (text pg 55)
Pride Anger Envy Greed Lust Gluttony Sloth

3 The Church The Church reinforced the idea that people should accept and be happy with their position in life – it was all part of God’s plan… If you were a noble or a commoner, you should accept all you do, or don’t have Means to keep the feudal system intact

4 Influence of the Church
Between 800 and 1300 the Catholic Church was the only religious institution in Western Europe Today we have Protestant Churches etc. The Church was extremely influential and powerful; it was viewed as being equal to the state Worst case scenario = being excommunicated No longer able to take part in church ceremony The Church was extremely wealthy Due to their land holdings and the church tithe (or tax) that was placed on commoners

5 The Church allowed for change in status
Commoners who were both inspired by the church, or wanted to improve their lifestyle could enter the church as a monk or a nun While they were leaving one establishment, that being the feudal manor, they were entering what could be described as a more structured and devotion filled structure Took vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience in trade for some “free” time that they hadn’t had before…

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