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Questioned Documents.

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1 Questioned Documents

2 Questioned Document Examination
Purpose: to ascertain Source or Authenticity NOT personality = Graphology = junk science Although linguists can determine authenticity based on writing style, or regional differences based on grammar.

3 Importance Most crimes involve paper. E.g., Ransom notes in kidnapping
Forged signature on a check Business Records in a drug operation Receipt for get-away rental cars

4 Questioned Document Examination
Document Examples Letters Checks Licenses Contracts Wills Passports Art work Historical Documents

5 Questioned Document Examination
Investigations may include: Verification of handwriting and signatures Authentication of documents Characterizing papers, pigments, and inks in writing instruments, typewriters, copy machines, etc. Restoring erased and obliterated writing Determining relative age of documents and inks

6 Questioned Document Examination
Investigative Tools may include: Stereomicroscope Templates Protractors Grids UV and IR Light sources

7 Five Basic Methods Used to Forge Documents
Freehand (no attempt to disguise own handwriting) Tracing Copying (attempt to look like original) Mechanical Lifting Optical or Printing Reproduction

8 Handwriting has both class and individual characteristics
Class Characteristics From practicing from copy books when learning to write.

9 Handwriting has both class and individual characteristics
Line quality: Lines are smooth, free flowing and rhythmic (vs jittery, shakey); have free flow into and out or letters. Spacing of words and letters Ratio of relative height, width, and size of letters Pen lifts and separations Connecting strokes Beginning and ending strokes

10 Handwriting has both class and individual characteristics
Unusual letter formation Shading or pen pressure Slant Baseline habits Flourishes or embellishments Placement of diacritics

11 Look for individual characteristics

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