Ancient Greece Unit 5.

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Greece Unit 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Greece Unit 5

2 Feb. 10 & feb. 13 Topic: Ancient Greece intro.
Essential Question: How did geography affect Greece’s development? Starter Question: How is the influence of Ancient Greece still seen today? What are some items the Ancient Greeks invented that we still use today? Feb. 10 & feb. 13

3 Greek Root Words #1 Add these words to your Greek Root Word list for the week Root Meaning Example Your Example Polis City Police Therm Heat thermometer Geo Earth geography

4 Feb. 14 & Feb 15 Topic: Mapping ancient Greece
Essential Question: How did geography affect Greece’s development? Starter question: Use the map to answer questions #1-4. Write each question down on a separate line of your starter page. #1: What letter represents the Aegean Sea? #2 – What letter represents the island of Crete? #3 – What letter represents the country of Macedonia? #4 – What letter represents the capital city of Athens? Feb. 14 & Feb 15


6 Greek Root Words #2 Astro Constellation Astrology Dem People Democracy
Meaning Example Your Example Astro Constellation Astrology Dem People Democracy path Feeling, suffering Sympathy

7 Feb. 16 & Feb. 17 Topic: Rise of democracy
Essential question: How did democracy take hold in ancient Greece? Starter question: What are the basic characteristics of a democracy? Complete your summary and turn it in!

8 Greek Root Words #3 Root Meaning Example Mega Big, large Megaphone
Your Example Mega Big, large Megaphone Mono One Monocle Chron Time Chronic

9 -Topic: Government in Greece -Essential Question: How did democracy take hold in ancient Greece? Starter question: What are the four types of government that were present in Greek city-states? Which government do you think was best for ruling the people of ancient Greece? Why? Feb. 22 &Feb. 23

10 Greek Root Words #4 Root Meaning Example Your Example Anthrop Human
philanthropy Phil Having a strong love for philosophy Morph Form metamorphosis

11 Feb. 24 & Feb. 27 Topic: Greek City-States
Essential Question – Athens and Sparta – who had it better? Starter question - Why do you think city-states were independently run opposed to all being united under one country? Feb. 24 & Feb. 27

12 Greek Root Words #5 Root Meaning Example Your Example Crat Power, rule
autocrat Phone Voice, sound telephone Osis State, condition psychosis

13 Feb. 28th and Mar. 1 Topic: Athens vs Sparta
Essential Question: Is it better to be alone or allied? Starter question – What does the term allied mean? Is it better to form an alliance or stay solo? Why? Feb. 28th and Mar. 1

14 Greek words #6 Root Meaning Example Your example Dyna Power dynamic
Hypo Below; beneath hypothermia Hyper Over; above hyperactive

15 March 6th & March 7th Topic: Persian Wars
Essential Question: Is it better to be alone or allied? Starter question: What are four facts you learned about the Persian empire? March 6th & March 7th

16 Greek Words #7 Root Meaning Example Your Example Auto Self
Autobiography Gram Thing written Telegram hydr water hydration

17 March 8th & March 9th Topic: After the Persian Wars
Essential Question: Did the “right” side win the Persian Wars? Starter Question: What shape was Athens in after the Persian Wars? Did the right side (Greeks) win the war? Why or why not? March 8th & March 9th

18 Greek Root Words #8 Root Meaning Example Your Example Aero Air
aerodynamics Biblio Book bibliography ortho Straight or right orthodontist

19 March 10 & March 13 Topic: Athens’ Golden Age
Essential Question: What is a golden age? Starter question: What is a golden age? What parts of society/civilization develop in a golden age? Complete the Summary and turn it in! March 10 & March 13

20 Greek Words #9 Root Meaning Example Your Example Mis/miso Hate
misogyny Phobia Fear phobic Psycho soul; spirit psychology

21 March 14th & March 15th Topic – Greek Mythology
Essential Question: How did the golden age impact the religion of ancient Greece? Starter question: What do you already know about Greek mythology? Who is your favorite god/goddess of ancient Greece? March 14th & March 15th

22 Greek Root Words #10 Root Meaning Example Your example Bio Life
biology Dys Bad; hard; unlucky Dyslexic Hetero Different heterogeneous

23 March 16th and March 17th Topic: Golden Age of Athens – the arts
Essential Question – How did the golden age impact the arts in ancient Greece? Starter Question – What types of art did ancient Greece have? What defines something as “art”? March 16th and March 17th

24 Greek Root Words #11 Root Meaning Example Your Example logy Study of
biology Graph Writing phonograph Homo Same Homonym

25 Topic: Golden Age: Philosophy and Architecture
Essential Question: How did the golden age impact philosophical thinking in ancient Greece? Starter question: What is philosophy? (Use your root word knowledge). What are major components of philosophy? March 20th and March 21st

26 Greek Root Words #12 Root Meaning Example Your Example Meter/metr
Measure thermometer Micro Small Microbe Nym Name antonym

27 March 22nd and March 23rd Topic: Alexander the Great
Essential Question: Why was Alexander so great? Starter question: What were the four types of government in Greece? Alexander was known as an emperor – so what type of government does Greece go back to after having democracy? March 22nd and March 23rd

28 Greek Root Words #13 Root Definition Example Your example Photo Light
photograph Pseudo False pseudonym Techno Art/science/skill technique

29 April 3rd and April 4th Topic: Alexander the Great
Essential question: What made Alexander so great? Starter question: What are three things AtG accomplished in his lifetime? April 3rd and April 4th

30 Greek Root Words #14 Root Definition Example Your example tele Far off
television scope Viewing instrument telescope andr Man misandry

31 Topic: End of Unit Essential Question: What have I learned about ancient Greece? Starter question: What are three things you will walk away from this unit on ancient Greece knowing? April 10th and April 11th

32 Greek Root Words #15 Root Meaning Example Your example pept digestion
peptic dia through diameter Cycl Ring, circle bicycle

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