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EPIC Calibration & Operations Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "EPIC Calibration & Operations Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 EPIC Calibration & Operations Meeting
Palermo, Italy, 2007 April

2 Calibration Activities – the pn perspective
Part I: from raw data to the calibrated event file Goals: correct for spatial energy variations correct for temporal energy variations handle charges split over several pixels discriminate between signal and noise monitor temporal and spatial properties of CTI, gain, energy scale and energy resolution provide CCFs and algorithms for direct implementation into SAS

3 Calibration Activities – the pn perspective
Part I: from raw data to the calibrated event file Goals: correct for spatial energy variations correct for temporal energy variations handle charges split over several pixels discriminate between signal and noise monitor temporal and spatial properties of CTI, gain, energy scale and energy resolution provide CCFs and algorithms for direct implementation into SAS

4 Calibration Activities – the pn perspective
Part I: from raw data to the calibrated event file Goals: correct for spatial energy variations correct for temporal energy variations handle charges split over several pixels discriminate between signal and noise monitor temporal and spatial properties of CTI, gain, energy scale and energy resolution provide CCFs and algorithms for direct implementation into SAS gain corrections for individual columns  CTI corrections for individual columns, as a function of energy, taking trap saturation due to precursors into account  correction of offset shifts in specific pixels  trap saturation due to optical / infrared light  update of noisy pixel list 

5 Calibration Activities – the pn perspective
Part I: from raw data to the calibrated event file Goals: correct for spatial energy variations correct for temporal energy variations handle charges split over several pixels discriminate between signal and noise monitor temporal and spatial properties of CTI, gain, energy scale and energy resolution provide CCFs and algorithms for direct implementation into SAS quadrant box temperature  long-term development 

6 Calibration Activities – the pn perspective
Part I: from raw data to the calibrated event file Goals: correct for spatial energy variations correct for temporal energy variations handle charges split over several pixels discriminate between signal and noise monitor temporal and spatial properties of CTI, gain, energy scale and energy resolution provide CCFs and algorithms for direct implementation into SAS pattern recognition and recombination  check for pattern pile-up  ‘vertical doubles’ 

7 Calibration Activities – the pn perspective
Part I: from raw data to the calibrated event file Goals: correct for spatial energy variations correct for temporal energy variations handle charges split over several pixels discriminate between signal and noise monitor temporal and spatial properties of CTI, gain, energy scale and energy resolution provide CCFs and algorithms for direct implementation into SAS reject reemission events  reject invalid frames  reject MIPs  suppress detector noise 

8 Calibration Activities – the pn perspective
Part I: from raw data to the calibrated event file Goals: correct for spatial energy variations correct for temporal energy variations handle charges split over several pixels discriminate between signal and noise monitor temporal and spatial properties of CTI, gain, energy scale and energy resolution provide CCFs and algorithms for direct implementation into SAS CTI evolution as expected  gain changes mainly related to quadrant box temperature  energy resolution fairly constant  indications for long-term changes in energy scale, spatially dependent 

9 Calibration Activities – the pn perspective
Part I: from raw data to the calibrated event file epframes  epevents  epreject  epatplot  Goals: correct for spatial energy variations correct for temporal energy variations handle charges split over several pixels discriminate between signal and noise monitor temporal and spatial properties of CTI, gain, energy scale and energy resolution provide CCFs and algorithms for direct implementation into SAS new CCFs for  long-term changes in energy scale change CCF for long-term CTI to contain entries for each CCD quadrant box temperature replace old (never used) CCF for temperature correction by a new CCF containing 12 gain vs. temperature slopes each for FF, eFF, LW, and 1 for SW offset corrections: provide master offset maps for all imaging modes 3 * 12 + 1 = 37 additional extensions (64 x 200 pixel maps)

10 Calibration Activities – the pn perspective
Part I: from raw data to the calibrated event file gain corrections for individual columns Goals: correct for spatial energy variations correct for temporal energy variations handle charges split over several pixels discriminate between signal and noise monitor temporal and spatial properties of CTI, gain, energy scale and energy resolution provide CCFs and algorithms for direct implementation into SAS CTI corrections for individual columns, as a function of energy, taking trap saturation due to precursors into account trap saturation due to optical / infrared light update of noisy pixel list correction of offset shifts in specific pixels new CCFs for offset corrections: provide master offset maps for all imaging modes 3 * 12 + 1 = 37 additional extensions (64 x 200 pixel maps)

11 offset correction: before
rev 546 rev 553

12 offset correction: after
rev 546 rev 553

13 EPIC-pn detector noise (LW)
residual offset map rev 546

14 EPIC-pn detector noise (LW)
residual offset map rev 553

15 EPIC-pn detector noise (LW)
residual offset map rev 730

16 EPIC-pn detector noise (LW)
residual offset map rev 790

17 EPIC-pn detector noise (LW)
residual offset map rev 974

18 residual offset maps rev 546 rev 790

19 cleaned residual offset maps
rev 546 rev 790

20 20 adu image, rev 546 no brightening here

21 rev 546 cleaned residual offset map residual offset map
brightening not visible in 20 adu image

22 XMM-CCF-REL-190: test (closed, rev 974, LW)
20-22 adu rawevents without master offset map

23 XMM-CCF-REL-190: test (closed, rev 974, LW)
20-22 adu rawevents with master offset map

24 XMM-CCF-REL-190: test (closed, rev 974, LW, rawevents, 20-22 adu)
without master offset map with master offset map

25 Median filtered stacked offset maps

26 Median filtered stacked offset maps

27 Median filtered stacked offset maps

28 Median filtered stacked offset maps

29 Median filtered stacked offset maps

30 Calibration Activities – the pn perspective
Part I: from raw data to the calibrated event file Goals: correct for spatial energy variations correct for temporal energy variations handle charges split over several pixels discriminate between signal and noise monitor temporal and spatial properties of CTI, gain, energy scale and energy resolution provide CCFs and algorithms for direct implementation into SAS long-term development quadrant box temperature new CCFs for quadrant box temperature replace old (never used) CCF for temperature correction by a new CCF containing 12 gain vs. temperature slopes each for FF, eFF, LW, and 1 for SW

31 with 1 adu / 2000 d drop

32 Mn-Kα position [adu] corrected slope: +0.43 adu / C
(in quadrant 0, after 1 adu / 2000 d drop) Mn-Kα position [adu] slope: adu / C Mean quadrant box temperature [C] (F1576..F1876)

33 Multiply all energies with a factor F:
F = ( 1 - A(t) - B(Tq) ) C A = 4.24 * 10-7 (t-t0)/[d] B = 3.65 * 10-4 Tq/[oC] C = t0 : 2000-Jan-01 Tq: mean of T(F1576)..T(F1876)

34 standard correction

35 after temperature.. correction

36 standard correction

37 after temperature.. correction



40 +2.0 ± 0.3 adu/C





45 1E 0102.2-7219, FF rev 065 – 900 12 observations 5 – 31 ks
total exposure: 229 ks 3 free energies 922.1 eV 0.43 adu / Mn-K 574.0 eV 665.7 eV 0.43 adu / Mn-K 0.43 adu / Mn-K 0.43 adu / Mn-K 0.43 adu / Mn-K

46 1E 0102.2-7219, FF rev 065 – 900 12 observations 5 – 31 ks
total exposure: 229 ks 2 free energies 0.43 adu / Mn-K 0.43 adu / Mn-K

47 1E 0102.2-7219, LW rev 447 – 981 7 observations 10 – 35 ks
total exposure: 141 ks 3 free energies 922.1 eV 0.43 adu / Mn-K 574.0 eV 665.7 eV 0.43 adu / Mn-K 0.43 adu / Mn-K 0.43 adu / Mn-K 0.43 adu / Mn-K

48 1E 0102.2-7219, LW rev 447 – 981 7 observations 10 – 35 ks
total exposure: 141 ks 2 free energies 0.43 adu / Mn-K 0.43 adu / Mn-K

49 1E 0102.2-7219, SW rev 375 – 1165 7 observations 10 – 32 ks
total exposure: 192 ks 3 free energies 922.1 eV 0.43 adu / Mn-K 574.0 eV 665.7 eV 0.43 adu / Mn-K 0.43 adu / Mn-K 0.43 adu / Mn-K 0.43 adu / Mn-K

50 1E 0102.2-7219, SW rev 375 – 1165 7 observations 10 – 32 ks
total exposure: 192 ks 2 free energies 0.43 adu / Mn-K 0.43 adu / Mn-K

51 3 observations, 10 – 19 ks, total exposure: 47 ks
N132D, FF rev 076 – 909 3 observations, 10 – 19 ks, total exposure: 47 ks 0.43 adu / Mn-K 6.7 keV

52 7 observations, 11 – 26 ks, total exposure: 122 ks
N132D, LW rev 474 – 958 7 observations, 11 – 26 ks, total exposure: 122 ks 0.43 adu / Mn-K 6.7 keV

53 15 observations, 7 – 30 ks, total exposure: 293 ks
N132D, SW rev 083 – 1129 15 observations, 7 – 30 ks, total exposure: 293 ks 0.43 adu / Mn-K 6.7 keV

54 Calibration Activities – the pn perspective
Part I: from raw data to the calibrated event file Goals: correct for spatial energy variations correct for temporal energy variations handle charges split over several pixels discriminate between signal and noise monitor temporal and spatial properties of CTI, gain, energy scale and energy resolution provide CCFs and algorithms for direct implementation into SAS long-term development indications for long-term changes in energy scale, spatially dependent  new CCF for long-term changes in energy scale change CCF for long-term CTI to contain entries for each CCD

55 Charge transfer inefficiency

56 FF Mn-K CTI CCD 1 - 6


58 eFF Mn-K CTI CCD 1 - 6


60 Al-K FF Mn-K FF Al-K eFF Mn-K eFF

61 Mn-K FF 2004

62 Mn-K FF 2007

63 Mn-K FF CTI(t) 2002

64 Mn-K FF CTI(t) 2003

65 Mn-K FF CTI(t) 2004

66 Mn-K FF CTI(t) 2005

67 Mn-K FF CTI(t) 2006

68 Mn-K FF CTI(t) 2007

69 energy resolution

70 FF Mn-K FWHM CCD 1 - 6


72 FF Mn-K FWHM quadrant 0

73 eFF Mn-K FWHM quadrant 0

74 FF Al-K FWHM CCD 1 - 6


76 FF al-K FWHM quadrant 0

77 absoluteenergy scale

78 FF Mn-K Pos CCD 1 - 6

79 FF Mn-K Pos CCD

80 FF Mn-K Pos quadrant 0

81 FF Al-K Pos CCD 1 - 6

82 FF Al-K Pos CCD

83 FF Al-K Pos quadrant 0

84 eFF Mn-K Pos CCD 1 - 6

85 eFF Mn-K Pos CCD

86 eFF mn-K Pos quadrant 0

87 eFF Al-K Pos CCD 1 - 6

88 eFF Al-K Pos CCD

89 eFF al-K Pos quadrant 0

90 Calibration Activities – the pn perspective
Part I: from raw data to the calibrated event file Goals: correct for spatial energy variations correct for temporal energy variations handle charges split over several pixels discriminate between signal and noise monitor temporal and spatial properties of CTI, gain, energy scale and energy resolution provide CCFs and algorithms for direct implementation into SAS reject reemission events  reject invalid frames  reject MIPs  suppress detector noise 

91 SNR 1E 0102, rev 803, LW, thick, 30 ks Oct 2006 singles, 120-140 eV
unfiltered data after noisy frame removal after (spatially variable) noise suppression

92 SNR 1E 0102, rev 803, LW, thick, 30 ks, source regions included
Oct 2006 original spectrum, including source regions, before/after noisy frame removal and (spatially homogeneous) noise suppression

93 SNR 1E 0102, rev 803, LW, thick, 30 ks Oct 2006 after spatially uniform noise suppression singles, 26 adu after spatially variable noise suppression

94 SNR 1E 0102, rev 803, LW, thick, 30 ks, source regions included
Oct 2006 original spectrum, including source regions, before/after noisy frame removal and spatially uniform noise suppression

95 SNR 1E 0102, rev 803, LW, thick, 30 ks, source regions included
Oct 2006 original spectrum, including source regions, after noisy frame removal and spatially variable noise suppression

96 SNR 1E 0102, rev 803, LW, thick, 30 ks Dec 2006 source regions excluded original spectrum after noisy frame removal and improved spatially variable noise suppression

97 SNR 1E 0102, rev 803, LW, thick, 30 ks Oct 2006 singles, 120-140 eV
unfiltered data after noisy frame removal after (spatially variable) noise suppression

98 Noise suppression in FF
Dec 2006 23 adu adu before noise suppression

99 Noise suppression in FF
Dec 2006 23 adu adu after noise suppression

100 Noise suppression in FF
Dec 2006 23 adu adu removed noise

101 Noise suppression in FF
Dec 2006 23 adu adu before noise suppression


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