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Conflict and Theme 10/15/2015 Mr. Pettine English 9.

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1 Conflict and Theme 10/15/2015 Mr. Pettine English 9

2 Conflict Conflict is the struggle or clash between opposing characters or opposing forces

3 Internal Conflict This the conflict within (internal) a character. An internal conflict is a struggle between opposing needs, desires, and emotions within a character Man vs Self

4 External Conflict A struggle which a character has with a force outside of his or herself Man vs Man Man vs Nature Man vs Society

5 Theme What do you think of when you hear the word “theme?”
Here is what theme is not: the moral of the story, the subject of the story, a one-word answer For example: The theme of “Most Dangerous Game” is NOT hunting.

6 Theme Read, as class, pages in Holt Elements of Literature

7 Theme Theme is the central idea / message of a work of literature. A theme is not the same as the subject. The subject of a work can usually be expressed in a word or two: love, childhood, death. The theme is something that can be expressed in at least one complete sentence. For example, the theme of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet might be said to be “love is more powerful than hatred” or “rash decisions can lead to disaster”

8 Theme Theme is not usually stated directly in a work of literature. Most often, the reader has to think about all the elements of the work and use them an inference (“conclusion reached on the basis of evidence”) about what the theme is.

9 Ways to Find Theme 1.) The theme of the work is not the subject. The subject is simply the topic, which can be stated in a single word (i.e., “love, war, peace, loss”)

10 Ways to Find Theme 2.) Think about whether the main character changes in the course of a work or realizes something he or she hadn’t known before. Often a writer expresses the theme through what a character learns.

11 Ways to Find Theme 3.) Think about how the conflict is resolved. Conflict is central to literature, and how the conflict is resolved often provides a clue to the theme.

12 Ways to Find Theme 4.) When you have finished reading a work, think about the title. Does it have a special meaning or point to the theme? Not all titles do point towards theme. Example: “Cask of Amontillado” does not point toward theme. “Most Dangerous Game” does point toward theme.

13 Ways to Find Theme 5.) Test your statement of the theme – does it apply to the whole work or only a part?

14 Ways to Find Theme 6.) Keep in mind that there is no single way to state the theme of a work. You and your classmates may express the same theme in different words, or you may even have different opinions regarding the theme. HOWEVER, you must be able to back your findings regarding theme with clear, relevant, and detailed textual evidence.

15 Universal Theme Theme which is commonly found in all cultures and ages. Example: In the Odyssey, a possible theme is, “heroes must undergo trials and losses before they can claim their rightful kingdom.”

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