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Presentation on theme: "Histology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Histology

2 Groups of closely related associated cells that are similar in structure and perform a common function are tissue. Cytology – the study of cells Histology – the study of tissue

3 Components of Tissues Cells Extracellular matrix
may be fluid or protein fibers Matrix Cell

4 4 Basic Types of Tissue in Humans
Epithelial tissue Connective tissue 3. Muscle tissue 4. Nervous tissue

5 Epithelial Tissue

6 Found: 1. coverings and linings – body surfaces,
lines open cavities (digestive and respiratory), lines blood vessels and heart, walls of organs in ventral cavity 2. Glandular - endocrine and exocrine

7 Function: Protection Absorption Filtration Secretion
Take in substances Filtration Secretion Release substances


9 Characteristics: cellularity- mostly cells, little matrix
fit close together (tight junctions and desmosomes) free surfaces

10 Characteristics: cellularity- mostly cells, little matrix Avascular - nourishment by diffusion from underlying tissue free surfaces fit close together (tight junctions and desmosomes) rests on a basement membrane - which reinforces - separates epithelial from connective regeneration

11 How to identify? identified by cell shape and number of cell layers
* all are many sided in cross section

12 3 Common Types Based on Cell Height
Squamous - flat Cuboidal - square Columnar – column shaped ***nuclear shape the same

13 2 Based on Cell Arrangement (layer)
Simple - only one cell layer Stratified - layers are stacked






19 Pseudostratified Ciliated Columnar Epithelial
Free Surface Cilia False layers Basement Membrane

20 How to Properly Label Epithelial Tissue
Free Surface This is a cell. Cell Membrane Nucleus Basement Membrane Connective Tissue

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