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Retrieval of SO2 Vertical Columns from SCIAMACHY and OMI: Air Mass Factor Algorithm Development and Validation Chulkyu Lee, Aaron van Dokelaar, Gray O’Byrne:

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Presentation on theme: "Retrieval of SO2 Vertical Columns from SCIAMACHY and OMI: Air Mass Factor Algorithm Development and Validation Chulkyu Lee, Aaron van Dokelaar, Gray O’Byrne:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Retrieval of SO2 Vertical Columns from SCIAMACHY and OMI: Air Mass Factor Algorithm Development and Validation Chulkyu Lee, Aaron van Dokelaar, Gray O’Byrne: Dalhousie Univ. Randall V. Martin: Dalhousie Univ. and Harvard-Smithsonian Nickolay Krotkov: NASA Goddard and UMBC Andreas Richter: Univ. of Bremen Greg Huey: Georgia Tech John S. Holloway: NOAA May 28, 2009

2 Local AMF Calculation Radiative Transfer Model
Geometric AMF: Radiative Transfer Model (LIDORT) Atmospheric Chemistry Model (GEOS-Chem) Shape factor SO2 mixing ratio, CSO2(η) eta (η) dτ(η) Io IB Earth Surface Scattering weight May previous AMFs have assumed a global uniform value. Calculate ω(η) as function of: solar and viewing zenith angle (θs, θv) from OMI, SCIAMACHY surface reflectivity (TOMS Climatology) pressure, aerosol from GEOS-Chem Clouds, O3 column from OMI, SCIAMACHY For individual scenes

3 SO2 Slant Column

4 Reference Sector Correction

5 GEOS-Chem Simulation GEOS-Chem v8-01-04
- GEOS-4, 30 η vertical levels, 2º latitude by 2.5º longitude - Based on EDGAR inventory - Regional inventories: NEI99, BRAVO, CAC, Streets, EMEP

6 Shape Factor: GEOS-Chem vs In-situ
Differences would change AMF by <10% In-situ platform DC-8 & C-130

7 OMI SO2 AMF for 2006 Calculated at nm; Cloud Radiance Fraction < 0.2; SZA < 70 SCIAMACHY AMF at nm within 25%

8 Local AMF Increases Agreement with Aircraft

9 SO2 Vertical Columns for 2006
Correlation with GEOS-Chem (GC) : Globally r ~0.78 : ~0.84 over US : ~0.83 over China GC with OMI AMF within 10% GC with SCIAMACHY AMF Cloud Radiance Fraction < 0.2; SZA < 70

10 Sensitivity of Retrieved SO2 to ΔEmissions
GEOS-Chem SO2 changes by ×2 OMI SO2 AMF changes < 30%

11 Fraction of Anthropogenic SO2

12 Summary Local AMFs improve agreement of OMI and SCIAMACHY with in-situ
Validation of SO2 vertical columns from SCIAMACHY and OMI with airborne in-situ measurements for INTEX-A and B : r = 0.9 Validation of GEOS-Chem SO2 shape factors with airborne in-situ measurements for INTEX-A and B : <10% change in AMF Large signal from anthropogenic emissions in retrieved SO2 columns

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