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…What is the continuing relevance of the humanities

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2 …What is the continuing relevance of the humanities
…What is the continuing relevance of the humanities? Drawing from material we have considered over the course of the semester, discuss how the study of history, religion, literature, and the visual and performing arts contributes to understanding of South and Southeast Asia, and whether such understanding is useful or necessary. …the epic tale Ramayana has significance that resonates far beyond mere entertainment or story. Making specific reference to examples we have considered, discuss how three different groups have used Ramayana to support their causes or ideology. Why does it Ramayana continue to play such an influential role? Battles for identity and modernization in South and Southeast Asia …spilled over into cultural forms, such as dress. Making specific reference to cases we have studied, discuss why clothing became such an important signifier and how people used it to define themselves. Intro






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