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Sut y medra i wneud cyfraniad gwerthfawr i nghymuned?

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Presentation on theme: "Sut y medra i wneud cyfraniad gwerthfawr i nghymuned?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sut y medra i wneud cyfraniad gwerthfawr i nghymuned?
BOD YN RHAN O BETHAU Sut y medra i wneud cyfraniad gwerthfawr i nghymuned? (3) © The Collective Worship Resource - The National Society and The Culham Institute

2 Sut galla i gymryd cyfrifoldeb yn fy nghymuned?
© The Collective Worship Resource - The National Society and The Culham Institute

3 Wrth gydweithio…. © The Collective Worship Resource - The National Society and The Culham Institute

4 Wrth rannu fy ngwerthoedd a’m ffydd…..
© The Collective Worship Resource - The National Society and The Culham Institute

5 Wrth ddysgu am y byd… © The Collective Worship Resource - The National Society and The Culham Institute

6 Wrth ofalu am anghenion eraill….
© The Collective Worship Resource - The National Society and The Culham Institute

7 Wrth feddwl a gwneud!!! © The Collective Worship Resource - The National Society and The Culham Institute

8 Gallwn……. Gefnogi elusen… Ymuno â grŵp…. Glanhau ein cymuned....
Helpu rhywun…. Greu drama gyda ffrindiau am fywyd mewn gwlad arall ….. Gymryd rhan….. Ddarganfod mwy…… © The Collective Worship Resource - The National Society and The Culham Institute

9 Diolch ein Tad am yr amser i.. …ddysgu …helpu …wrando …wneud
…gydweithio. Helpa ni i ddangos dy gariad i bobl y byd. Diolch i Ti. Amen. © The Collective Worship Resource - The National Society and The Culham Institute

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