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We Survey Companion Indicators – LASS (Morton, Hammond, Merrillville, Lowell) We Teach (N=256) We Learn (N=4,175)

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Presentation on theme: "We Survey Companion Indicators – LASS (Morton, Hammond, Merrillville, Lowell) We Teach (N=256) We Learn (N=4,175)"— Presentation transcript:

1 We Survey Companion Indicators – LASS (Morton, Hammond, Merrillville, Lowell) We Teach (N=256) We Learn (N=4,175)

2 Rigor Indicators Total in Agreement Percentage Gap
We Teach-Q1. In my class students discuss and solve open-ended questions and problems. 89% 17% We Learn-Q1. In class we discuss and solve problems that have more than one answer. 72% We Teach-Q9. Instruction in my class is student-centered. 87% 37% We Learn-Q5. Instruction in class is student centered. 50%

3 Relevance Indicators Total in Agreement Percentage Gap
We Teach-Q10. Staff are expected to do interdisciplinary planning and projects. 42% 17% We Learn-Q6. Some of my classes combine different subjects. 59% We Teach-Q14. Students can apply what I am teaching to their everyday lives. 92% 35% We Learn-Q10. I can apply what I learn to my everyday life. 57% We Teach-Q18. Students in my classroom engage in hands-on activities. 81% We Learn-Q14. We do lots of hands-on activities in my classes. 39%

4 Relationships Indicators Total in Agreement Percentage Gap
We Teach-Q31. I am aware of my students' interests outside of school. 82% 57% We Learn-Q40. My teachers know my interests outside of school. 25% We Teach-Q35. My colleagues are a source of encouragement for me. 64% 30% We Learn-Q44. My classmates encourage me to do my best. 34% We Teach-Q39. Staff are expected to give frequent feedback to students about the quality of their work and actions. 22% We Learn-Q52. My teachers often let me know how I am doing in their classes. 60%

5 Leadership Indicators Total in Agreement Percentage Gap
We Teach-Q4. The school administration clearly communicates the goals of the school to staff. 67% 24% We Learn-Q8. I know the goals my school is working on this year. 43%

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