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CEFIC-LRI project DustEx DustEx Final report

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1 CEFIC-LRI project DustEx DustEx Final report
ETH zürich CEFIC-LRI project DustEx DustEx Final report

2 Project Structure Newly included finished tasks are tasks 2.5 and 2.6 on uncertainty assessment and the complete work package 4. ISES 2014

3 DustEx Model (WP 2) Vilma Sukiene

4 Exposure assessment/ Pathway comparison
ISES 2014

5 Model Structure indoor air exposure ISES 2014 product dust
indoor air product dust airborne particles surfaces lipid layer on skin evaporation partitioning deposition/ re-suspension sorption/desorption direct product contact exposure ingestion inhalation dermal absorption vacuum cleaning/ track out ventilation equation 2 equation 15 equation 8 equation 12 equation 17 equation 32 equation 34 equation 35 ISES 2014

6 Uncertainty assessment
The relative contribution of the dust exposure pathway is most sensitive to changes in kp_g (transdermal permeability) and Adust_ingest. The combined effect of the uncertainty in kp_g and Adust_ingest leads to a variation in the benchmark Koa of two orders of magnitude (the log Koa varies from 8 to 10). For all other parameters the effect on the inter-pathway comparison is limited. ISES 2014

7 Validation Figure 46 report ISES 2014

8 Field Study (WP3) Vilma Sukiene

9 Products Product: Transfer process: intentional release, i.e. spraying
abrasion + evaporation direct diffusion + evaporation evaporation evaporation (with thermal exposure) Transfer process: intentional release, i.e. spraying Product: spray 3 plastic products Custom-made carpet Vilma Sukiene

10 Model substances deuterium labelled substances 8 12 SVOCs 9 11 8 12
Adipates 2H4-DBA 2H4-DiBA 2H4-DEHA 2H4-DOA Pyrethroid Tetramethrin Phthalates 2H4-DBP 2H4-DiBP 2H4-DEHP 2H4-DOP Plasticizers Insecticide low Koa high Koa more volatile less volatile deuterium labelled substances log Koa 8 12 SVOCs 9 11 log Koa 8 12 SVOCs 9 11 Vilma Sukiene

11 1st field study x 5 spray 3 plastic products carpet S-high PV-low
PT PV C-high C-low S-high PV-high PV-low PT-high PT-low PH-high PH-low 3 plastic products carpet spray x 5 12 weeks httpwww.pixeljoint.compixelart28191.htm

12 2nd field study To check result reproducibility
C-high C-low S-high PV-high PT-high PH-high 5 plastic products carpet spray PT-low PH-low To check result reproducibility To investigate dust on different surfaces x 3 8 weeks httpwww.pixeljoint.compixelart28191.htm

13 Results Air SOURCE Lifted dust Dust on the product Floor dust
Vilma Sukiene

14 µg/ g dust/ g substance*
Dust is relevant for substances with log Koa >10; (consistency within apartments) 1st field study ng/ m3 air/ g substance* PT-plastic (thermal exp.) PV-plastic vertical PH-plastic horizontal C-carpet S-spray *concentration in dust normalized by initial source strength (amount of substance in the source) LODs µg/ g dust/ g substance* log Koa

15 µg/ g dust/ g substance* µg/ g dust/ g substance*
Substance distribution in the room 2nd field study: e.g. apartment 3; 8 week samples avg 2.5x avg 3.5x µg/ g dust/ g substance* PT-plastic (thermal exp.) PV-plastic vertical PH-plastic horizontal C-carpet S-spray *concentration in dust normalized by initial source strength (amount of substance in the source) LODs avg 2.5x avg µg/ g dust/ g substance* log Koa

16 µg/ g dust/ g substance*
Direct transfer increases the concentration in dust 1st field study less volatile substances 10 104 106 102 µg/ g dust/ g substance* Apartment SOURCE - PH Dust on the product

17 µg/ g dust/ g substance* µg/ g dust/ g substance*
Direct transfer increases the concentration in dust 1st field study SOURCE - PH Dust on the product less volatile substances 10 104 106 102 µg/ g dust/ g substance* Apartment more volatile substances Apartment 10 104 106 102 µg/ g dust/ g substance*

18 µg/ g dust/ g substance* µg/ g dust/ g substance*
Direct transfer increases the concentration in dust 1st and 2nd field studies SOURCE - PH Dust on the product less volatile substances 10 104 106 102 µg/ g dust/ g substance* Apartment more volatile substances Apartment 10 104 106 102 µg/ g dust/ g substance*

19 Interpathway comparison and case studies (WP4)
Vilma Sukiene

20 Interpathway comparison
weight fraction 0.1% weight fraction 0.01% Figures 13, 14 ISES 2014

21 Decision tree ISES 2014

22 Case studies ISES 2014

23 Case study 1 (toy, BPA, Table 21)
ISES 2014

24 Case study 2 (PCP, triclosan)
ISES 2014

25 Case study 3,4 (plastic objects, DEHP, Table 28)
ISES 2014

26 Conclusions New model for transfer of substances from objects to dust
Case studies showing that for most substances and uses at Tier 1 the direct pathway is much more important than ingestion of dust Koa a very sensitive parameter Field study: diect transfer from object to dust may be more important than previously assumed ISES 2014

27 Thank you

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