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Presidential Democracy & Parliamentary Democracy

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Presentation on theme: "Presidential Democracy & Parliamentary Democracy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presidential Democracy & Parliamentary Democracy
Directions: Make a Venn Diagram with the above information

2 A constitution will outline the laws of the country

3 The president is the leader of the gov’t

4 The prime minister is the member of the legislative and executive branch

5 Laws are created by the legislative branch of gov’t

6 The head of state is a monarch

7 The president is the head of state

8 Parliament has the power to govern.

9 Gov’t is separated by 3 branches: executive, legislative, and judicial

10 The head of state has no real power

11 The united kingdom, Canada and Australia are examples

12 The president is elected by the citizens

13 The us is an example presidential

14 The prime minister is elected by members of the majority party in Parliament

15 The citizens vote and elect representatives

16 The legislative branch of gov’t is called Parliament

17 The elected officials express concerns such as education, taxes, and safety

18 The president is the head of the executive branch

19 There are political parties who share common beliefs

20 Presidential Democracy
Parliamentary Democracy The president is the leader of the country A constitution will outline the laws of the country The prime minister is a member of the legislative and executive branch. The president is the head of state. Laws are created by the legislative branch of government. The head of state is a monarch. The president is elected by the citizens. Gov’t is separated by 3 branches: executive, legislative, & judicial. Parliament has the power to govern. The US is an example. The citizens vote and elect representatives. The head of state has no real power. The president is the head of the executive branch. The elected officials express concerns, such as education, taxes, and safety. The United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia are examples. There are political parties who share common beliefs. The prime minister is elected by the majority party in parliament. The legislative branch is called parliament.

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