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Tariffs, Patronage, and Tears

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1 Tariffs, Patronage, and Tears
Andrew Jackson Tariffs, Patronage, and Tears

2 The Jackson Campaign After the electoral debacle of 1824, Andrew Jackson immediately began his new pursuit of the presidency in 1828. Jackson’s supporters stated the election outcome consisted of “Bargain and Corruption” Jackson portrayed himself as the everyman; a war hero and anti-aristocrat.

3 Dirty Politics The campaign itself became almost a literal mudslinging contest each candidate’s supporters spreading more filth about the other. Adams’ supporters stating that Jackson’s mother was a prostitute and his wife an adulteress Jackson’s supporters stating that Adams had acquired a servant girl for the Russian tsar.

4 Patronage After taking office, Jackson demonstrated that he and the Democratic party was not above the “spoils system” Quickly appointed his supporters to federal government positions Viewed any office as being easy enough for any common American to quickly learn and perform well Felt that anything otherwise would just create an aristocracy in America.

5 Tariffs Tariffs had long been an issue for American politicians and economists They did drive off European competition in the domestic market; more American goods are bought in America However, often drove up prices, created monopoly like conditions and retaliation came in the form of tariffs on American goods in foreign countries. Jackson’s supporters, in a hope that it would be a blemish on the Adam’s administration, proposed an increased tariff in 1824. Unfortunately for Jackson, the tariff passed in 1828. This tariff created disgruntled constituents, particularly in the South.

6 Trail of Tears Assignment
Describe the reasons for and eventual outcome of the Trail of Tears.

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