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Presentation on theme: "Archetypes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Archetypes

2 Archetypes original model or type which other similar things are patterned; a prototype. people who had no contact with each other developed myths to explain natural phenomena to answer such questions like why we die and why we are born. function similarly to symbols by providing shortcuts to understanding and relating to the theme of a story.

3 Characteristics of Archetypes
the inherited part of being human – to a common source. – a pattern universal grow out of man’s social, psychological, and biological being.

4 A Few Masculine Archetypes
The Knight The King The Trickster/Fox The Lover The Warrior

5 A Few Feminine Archetypes
The Earth Mother The Stepmother/ Witch The Femme Fatale/ Temptress The Harlot The Princess

6 Other Archetypes The Child The Victim The Guide The Fool
The Mystic Wizard

7 The Hero Archetype One of the most common archetypes is the Hero
Tragic Epic Folk Romantic

8 The Tragic Hero is of noble birth
has a tragic flaw that leads to hero’s downfall a reversal of fortune brought about by the hero’s tragic flaw hero’s actions result in an increase of self-awareness audience must feel pity and fear for this character

9 The Epic Hero unusual circumstances surround the hero’s birth
faces trials and enemies while struggling on an epic journey usually encounters a temptress who threatens the hero’s completion of the journey at the end of the journey, the hero must complete a final task alone when the final task is complete, the hero returns home, a leader of his people

10 The Folk Hero begins life as a normal person
transforms into someone extraordinary by significant life events may be a defender of the common people against the oppression or corruption of the established power structure may live “outside of the law.”

11 The Romantic Hero rejects established norms and societal conventions
been rejected by society Independent – often lives away from society other characteristics introspective misanthropy wanderlust alienation melancholy isolation

12 Some Archetype Sampling

13 The Initiates young heroes or heroines who, prior to their quest, must endure some training and ceremony. usually innocent and often wear white.

14 Mentors serve as teachers or counselors to the initiates.
work as role models and often serve as father or mother figures.

15 Hunting Group of Companions
loyal companions willing to face any number of perils in order to be together. looks to the hero as a leader

16 Loyal Retainers often these are servants may be heroic themselves
duty is to protect the hero and reflect the nobility of the hero.

17 The Devil Figure evil incarnate
offers worldly goods, fame, or knowledge to the hero in exchange for possession of the soul.

18 The Scapegoat character whose death in a public ceremony atones for a fault that has been visited upon a their death often makes them a more powerful force in the society than when they lived.

19 The Evil Figure with the Ultimately Good Heart
redeemable figure saved by the nobility or love of the hero.

20 The Outcast figure who is banished from a social group for some crime (real or imagined) against his fellow man. is usually destined to become a wanderer from place to place.

21 The Star Crossed Lovers
characters are engaged in a love affair that is fated to end tragically

22 The Creature of Nightmare
monster usually summoned from the deepest, darkest part of the human psyche to threaten the lives of the hero/heroine.

23 The Fall describes a fall from a higher to a lower state of being
involves a defilement and/or loss of Innocence and Bliss. often accompanied by the expulsion from paradise as a penalty for disobedience.

24 Death and Rebirth The most common of all situational archetypes, this motif grows out of the parallel between the cycle of nature and the cycle of life. For example, morning and springtime represent birth, youth, or rebirth; evening and winter suggest old age or death.

25 Battle Between Good and Evil
battle between two primary forces. mankind shows eternal optimism in the continual betrayal of good triumphing over evil despite great odds.

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