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Fallacy False Argument.

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1 Fallacy False Argument

2 Either/Or Fallacy Suggesting that there are only two possibilities when there are clearly more. EXAMPLE: Either you pass this class or you will fail. (You could withdraw, transfer, etc.)

3 Red Herring Changing the subject to avoid the real issue.
EXAMPLE: When discussing health care for all, someone says that Hitler supported that idea.

4 Cause/ Effect Assuming that just because one event takes place immediately after the first event, the first event caused the second event EXAMPLE: You tell someone you are casting a spell to kill them and they die an hour later.

5 Personal Attack Attacking the person, not the issue or the evidence they have presented EXAMPLE: You present hard evidence of human rights violations in prisons and someone says that your opinion doesn’t matter because you are a convicted felon.

6 Straw Man An oversimplification of facts or taking something out of context. EXAMPLE: You are running for Mayor and you say, “I don’t like it when people say I hate democracy.” The newspaper supporting the other candidate prints a story saying that you said, “I hate democracy.”

7 Slippery Slope Suggesting that one small step in a particular direction will result in catastrophic consequences. EXAMPLE: If we legalize marijuana, everyone will become heroin addicts.

8 False Analogy Suggesting that two similar things are actually the same
EXAMPLE: Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get. However, “Whitman’s Samplers” tell you what you are getting.

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