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Aamir Shafi MPJ Express: An Implementation of Message Passing Interface (MPI) in Java Aamir Shafi.

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Presentation on theme: "Aamir Shafi MPJ Express: An Implementation of Message Passing Interface (MPI) in Java Aamir Shafi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aamir Shafi
MPJ Express: An Implementation of Message Passing Interface (MPI) in Java Aamir Shafi December 7, 2018

2 Writing Parallel Software
There are mainly two approaches for writing parallel software: Software that can be executed on parallel hardware to exploit computational and memory resources The first approach is to use messaging libraries (packages) written in already existing languages like C, Fortran, and Java: Message Passing Interface (MPI) Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) The second and more radical approach is to provide new languages: HPC has a history of novel parallel languages High Performance Fortran (HPF) Unified Parallel C (UPC) In this talk we talk about an implementation of MPI in Java called MPJ Express December 7, 2018

3 Introduction to Java for HPC
Java was released by Sun in 1996: A mainstream language in software industry, Attractive features include: Portability, Automatic garbage collection, Type-safety at compile time and runtime, Built-in support for multi-threading: A possible option to provide nested parallelism on multi-core systems, Performance: Just-In-Time compilers convert source code to byte code, Modern JVMs perform compilation from byte code to native machine code on the fly But Java has safety features that may limit performance. December 7, 2018

4 Introduction to Java for HPC
Three existing approaches to Java messaging: Pure Java (Sockets based), Java Native Interface (JNI), and Remote Method Invocation (RMI), mpiJava has been perhaps the most popular Java messaging system mpiJava ( MPJ/Ibis ( Motivation for a new Java messaging system: Maintain compatibility with Java threads by providing thread-safety, Handle contradicting issues of high-performance and portability. Outline the project December 7, 2018

5 Distributed Memory Cluster
CPU Memory Proc 1 Proc 2 Proc 0 message LAN Ethernet Myrinet Infiniband etc Proc 3 Proc 7 Proc 6 Proc 4 Proc 5 December 7, 2018

6 December 7, 2018

7 Write machines files December 7, 2018

8 Bootstrap MPJ Express runtime
December 7, 2018

9 Write Parallel Program
December 7, 2018

10 Compile and Execute December 7, 2018

11 Introduction to MPJ Express
MPJ Express is an implementation of a Java messaging system, based on Java bindings: Will eventually supersede mpiJava. Aamir Shafi, Bryan Carpenter, and Mark Baker Thread-safe communication devices using Java NIO and Myrinet: Maintain compatibility with Java threads, The buffering layer provides explicit memory management instead of relying on the garbage collector, Runtime system for portable bootstrapping MPJ Express has 80K lines of source-code including test-cases. First messaging system that provides “full” implementation of mpiJava 1.2 bindings, for examples, communicators, topologies, derived datatypes. Thread-safety cannot be implemented by using “synchronized” keyword of putting locks around send and/or recv methods. Careful analysis and fine-grain locking is required to implement thread-safety. December 7, 2018

12 James Gosling Says… December 7, 2018

13 Who is using MPJ Express?
First released in September 2005 under LGPL (an open-source licence): Approximately 1000 users all around the world Some projects using this software: Cartablanca is a simulation package that uses Jacobian-Free-Newton-Krylov (JFNK) methods to solve non-linear problems The project is done at Los Alamos National Lab (LANL) in the US Researchers at University of Leeds, UK have used this software in Modelling and Simulation in e-Social Science (MoSeS) project Teaching Purposes: Parallel Programming using Java (PPJ): Parallel Processing SS 2006: December 7, 2018

14 MPJ Express Design December 7, 2018

15 Presentation Outline Implementation Details:
Point-to-point communication Communicators, groups, and contexts Process topologies Derived datatypes Collective communications MPJ Express Buffering Layer Runtime System Performance Evaluation December 7, 2018

16 Java NIO Device Uses non-blocking I/O functionality,
Implements two communication protocols: Eager-send protocol for small messages, Rendezvous protocol for large messages, Locks around communication methods results in deadlocks: In Java, the keyword synchronized ensures that only one object can call synchronized method at a time, A process sending a message to itself using synchronous send, Locks for thread-safety: Writing messages: A lock for send-communication-sets, Locks for destination channels: One for every destination process, Obtained one after the other, Reading messages: A lock for receive-communication-sets. December 7, 2018

17 Standard mode with eager send protocol (small messages)
December 7, 2018

18 Standard mode with rendezvous protocol (large messages)
December 7, 2018

19 MPJ Express Buffering Layer
MPJ Express requires a buffering layer: To use Java NIO: SocketChannels use byte buffers for data transfer, To use proprietary networks like Myrinet efficiently, Implement derived datatypes, Various implementations are possible based on actual storage medium, Direct or indirect ByteBuffers, An mpjbuf buffer object consists of: A static buffer to store primitive datatypes, A dynamic buffer to store serialized Java objects, Creating ByteBuffers on the fly is costly: Memory management is based on Knuth’s buddy algorithm, Two implementations of memory management. December 7, 2018

20 MPJ Express Buffering Layer
Frequent creation and destruction of communication buffers hurts performance. To tackle this, MPJ Express requires a buffering layer: Provides two implementations of Knuth’s buddy algorithm, To use Java NIO and proprietary networks: Direct ByteBuffers, Implement derived datatypes Performance analysis revealed “choking behaviour”. We found out that creating intermediate buffers hurt the performance. There is no point to exhaust garbage collector -- Java provides automatic memory management but it requires careful programming to get best performance. December 7, 2018

21 Presentation Outline Implementation Details:
Point-to-point communication Communicators, groups, and contexts Process topologies Derived datatypes Collective communications MPJ Express Buffering Layer Runtime System Performance Evaluation December 7, 2018

22 Communicators, groups, and contexts
MPI provides a higher level abstraction to create parallel libraries: Safe communication space Group scope for collective operations Process Naming Communicators + Groups provide: Process Naming (instead of IP address + ports) Contexts: Safe communication December 7, 2018

23 What is a group? A data-structure that contains processes
Main functionality: Keep track of ranks of processes Explanation of figure Group A contains eight processes Group B and C are created from Group A All group operations are local (no communication with remote processes) December 7, 2018

24 Example of a group operation(Union)
Explanation of union operation Two processes a and d are in both groups: Thus, six processes are executing this operation Each group has its own view of this group operations: Apply theory of relativity Re-assigning ranks in new groups: Process 0 in group A is re-assigned rank 0 in Group C Process 0 in group B is re-assigned rank 4 in Group C If any existing process does not make it into the new group, it returns MPI.GROUP_EMPTY December 7, 2018

25 What are communicators?
A data-structure that contains groups (and thus processes) Why is it useful: Process naming, ranks are names for application programmers Easier than IPaddress + ports Group communications as well as point to point communication There are two types of communicators, Intracommunicators: Communication within a group Intercommunicators: Communication between two groups (must be disjoint) December 7, 2018

26 What are contexts? An unique integer:
An additional tag on the messages Each communicator has a distinct context that provides a safe communication universe: A context is agreed upon by all processes when a communicator is built Intracommunicators has two contexts: One for point-to-point communications One for collective communications, Intercommunicators has two contexts: Explained in the coming slides December 7, 2018

27 Process topologies Used to specify processes in a geometric shape
Virtual topologies: have no connection with the physical layout of machines: Its possible to make use of underlying machine architecture These virtual topologies can be assigned to processes in an Intracommunicator MPI provides: Cartesian topology Graph topology December 7, 2018

28 Cartesian topology: Mapping four processes onto 2x2 topology
Each process is assigned a coordinate: Rank 0: (0,0) Rank 1: (1,0) Rank 2: (0,1) Rank 3: (1,1) Uses: Calculate rank by knowing grid (not globus one!) position Calculate grid positions from ranks Easier to locate rank of neighbours Applications may have communication patterns: Lots of messaging with immediate neighbours December 7, 2018

29 Periods in cartesian topology
Axis 1 (y-axis is periodic): Processes in top and bottom rows have valid neighbours towards top and bottom respectively Axis 0 (x-axis is non-periodic): Processes in right and left column have undefined neighbour towards right and left respectively December 7, 2018

30 Derived datatypes Besides, basic datatypes, it is possible to communicate heterogeneous, non-contiguous data. Contiguous Indexed Vector Struct December 7, 2018

31 Indexed datatype The elements that may form this datatype should be:
Same types At non-contiguous locations Add flexibility by specifying displacements int SIZE = 4; int [] blklen = new int[DIM],displ = new int[DIM]; for(i=0 ; i<DIM ; i++) { blklen[i]=DIM-i; displ[i]=(i*DIM)+i; } double[] params = new double[SIZE*SIZE]; double[] rparams = new double[SIZE*SIZE]; Datatype i = Datatype.Indexed(blklen, displ, MPI.INT); //array_of_block_lengths, array_displacements Send(params,0,1,i,dst,tag); //0 is offset, 1 is count Recv(rparams,0,1,i,src,tag); December 7, 2018

32 December 7, 2018

33 Presentation Outline Implementation Details: Runtime System
Point-to-point communication Communicators, groups, and contexts Process topologies Derived datatypes Collective communications Runtime System Thread-safety in MPJ Express Performance Evaluation December 7, 2018

34 Collective communications
Provided as a convenience for application developers: Save significant development time Efficient algorithms may be used Stable (tested) Built on top of point-to-point communications, These operations include: Broadcast, Barrier, Reduce, Allreduce, Alltoall, Scatter, Scan, Allscatter Versions that allows displacements between the data December 7, 2018

35 Broadcast, scatter, gather, allgather, alltoall
December 7, 2018 Image from MPI standard doc

36 Reduce collective operations

37 Barrier with Tree Algorithm
December 7, 2018

38 Execution of barrier with eight processes
Eight processes, thus forms only one group Each process exchanges an integer 4 times Overlaps communications well December 7, 2018

39 Intracomm.Bcast( … ) Sends data from a process to all the other processes Code from adlib: A communication library for HPJava The current implementation is based on n-ary tree: Limitation: broadcasts only from rank=0 Generated dynamically Cost: O( log2(N) ) MPICH1.2.5 uses linear algorithm: Cost O(N) MPICH2 has much improved algorithms LAM/MPI uses n-ary trees: Limitation, broadcast from rank=0 December 7, 2018

40 Broadcasting algorithm, total processes=8, root=0
December 7, 2018

41 Presentation Outline Implementation Details: Runtime System
Point-to-point communication Communicators, groups, and contexts Process topologies Derived datatypes Collective communications Runtime System Thread-safety in MPJ Express Performance Evaluation December 7, 2018

42 The Runtime System December 7, 2018

43 Thread-safety in MPI The MPI 2.0 specification introduced the notion of thread-compliant MPI implementation, Four levels of thread-safety: MPI_THREAD_SINGLE, MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED, MPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED, MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE, A blocked thread should not halt the execution of other threads, “Issues in Developing Thread-Safe MPI Implementation” by Gropp et al. December 7, 2018

44 Presentation Outline Implementation Details: Runtime System
Point-to-point communication Communicators, groups, and contexts Process topologies Derived datatypes Collective communications Runtime System Thread-safety in MPJ Express Performance Evaluation December 7, 2018

45 Latency on Fast Ethernet
December 7, 2018

46 Throughput on Fast Ethernet
December 7, 2018

47 Latency on Gigabit Ethernet
December 7, 2018

48 Throughput on GigE December 7, 2018

49 Choking experience 1 December 7, 2018

50 Latency on Myrinet December 7, 2018

51 Throughput on Myrinet December 7, 2018

52 Questions ? December 7, 2018

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