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Transitions and Other Troublesome Times

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1 Transitions and Other Troublesome Times
How to Turn Tough Times into Fun Times

2 Transition Between Activities
Why Are Transition Times so Hard for Children? Children resist change due to a need to assert themselves and be in charge They can threaten their sense of security Children live in the present Some children—especially toddlers--resist change simply because it’s change they are developing autonomy which is a crucial part of children’s emotional and cogntive develpment Phoenix Children's Academy Family of Schools

3 “Children must develop the ability to act independently in order to be successful in all areas of life. Their struggle to become self-directed often takes the form of resisting adult directions by silently ignoring a question or by assertively saying ‘No!’.” Young children are developing autonomy which is a crucial part of children’s emotional and cognitive develpment Phoenix Children's Academy Family of Schools

4 Children don’t wait well!
Adults in the room can also play a role in transition time trouble Not being organized due to inadequate planning and preparation Having unrealistic expectations of children’s behavior Expecting a high degree of group conformity (expect the children to all stand in the line quietly?) Children don’t wait well! Phoenix Children's Academy Family of Schools

5 Preparing Children to Stop Activity
Prepare them physically and mentally Children cooperate better if they Know what to expect in advance Always give a warning; don’t stop an activity abruptly Feel they are part of the change process Talk to them about what is going to happen (“Today we will be going to the Computer Lab.”) Give them warning before the change will happen (You have five minutes to finish up so we can get ready to go outside.” If you have a child sensitive to change, give them more attention and warning before a change Do children know the schedule?? Is the routine the same each day?? This helps the children anticipate the transition Phoenix Children's Academy Family of Schools

6 Techniques for a Smooth Transition
Plan Ahead Have materials ready to go Get the children’s attention before you announce a transition Shake a rain stick, ring a bell or clap softly Focus your attention on the children during the transition itself You’re really working hard to put all those blocks away! I bet you’re proud of how tidy the Book Area looks! Don’t expect all children of the same age to be capable of the same behavior); children don’t think as a group – they see things only from their point of view; giving children opportunites for self direction will lessen their need to resist at transition time Phoenix Children's Academy Family of Schools

7 Be aware of each child’s individual temperament
Adjust your expectations to what is reasonable and realistic for the children in your particular age group Be aware of each child’s individual temperament Give children many opportunities for self-direction during the day Allow enough time for the transition to allow children to complete the process without being rushed. Process over Product! Make the transition itself FUN! Give a direction once and allow children time to comply. Avoid rapid repetition of direction. Don’t expect all children of the same age to be capable of the same behavior); children don’t think as a group – they see things only from their point of view; giving children opportunites for self direction will lessen their need to resist at transition time Phoenix Children's Academy Family of Schools

8 Teacher’s role You must be a facilitator, not dictator. Children need the assistance of a friendly guide and not orders from a drill sergeant! Teach them by showing them what you expect and why Phoenix Children's Academy Family of Schools

9 Plan your schedule with a LIMITED number of transition times; the fewer the better • Consider what the children and adults will do during these times • Provide verbal and nonverbal cues before transitions • Teach children the expectations for the routine • • Minimize the number of transitions in which all children have to do the same thing at the same time Speaker Notes: There are numerous strategies that support smooth transitions between activities. Examples of strategies you can use before the transition: Plan your daily schedule to include the minimal number of transition times possible. • Consider what the children and adults will do during these times (e.g., which adult is responsible for greeting the children and who will begin looking at books on the carpet with children?). • Provide verbal and nonverbal cues before transitions (e.g., “5 minutes ’til snack,” “It’s almost time for cleanup,” show pictures of the next activity, ringing a bell). Teach children expectations such as which shelves hold which blocks. • Minimize the number of transitions during which all children have to do the same thing at the same time (e.g., Do all children have to go to the restroom at the same time? Can some children come over to the rug and get ready for large group while others are finishing an activity?) Phoenix Children's Academy Family of Schools

10 Help Children Learn to Listen
Get down on children’s eye level when you speak to them Speak in a kind, calm vice that shows respect for the children Speak to children, not at them Use short, clear sentences If you always speak to children in a kind, calm voice, if you always show respect for children, if you always listen to what they say to you, they will know that you are a person to be trusted and that attentive listening is the way people respond to each other in all situations Phoenix Children's Academy Family of Schools

11 Give one direction at a time
Give directions at the time and place where the actions are to be done Set a good example for children to model: listen intently to them when they speak to you. If you always speak to children in a kind, calm voice, if you always show respect for children, if you always listen to what they say to you, they will know that you are a person to be trusted and that attentive listening is the way people respond to each other in all situations Phoenix Children's Academy Family of Schools

12 “Good” vs. “Bad Behavior”
Avoid singling out children as examples for public praise “I like the way…” statements encourage children to do things just to please the adult Instead of trying to control behavior with praise, involve them in the change process with statements or questions that help them define personal or group goals and focus their attention on ways to achieve them “What do we need to do to get ready for lunch?’ Who is ready to go outdoors? Who is almost ready? What do we need to do to get ready to go outdoors? Who needs help getting ready?” “Jack would love to show his exciting show and share, what do we need to do so we can hear him”. (girls tend to be more likely to be quiet and conforming, so we praise them more often – the praise for model behavior tends to go to the same children Acknowledgement – thank you Susie for cleaning up the blocks, thanks for putting the crayons away, thanks sami for sitting criss cross applesauce, now our class can start story time…. Phoenix Children's Academy Family of Schools

13 If you feel attention must be given for a particular behavior, give equal attention to all children who exhibit that behavior (and to the effort of those those trying to learn it) behavior) “What do we need to do to get ready for lunch?’ Who is ready to go outdoors? Who is almost ready? What do we need to do to get ready to go outdoors? Who needs help getting ready?” “Jack would love to show his exciting show and share, what do we need to do so we can hear him”. (girls tend to be more likely to be quiet and conforming, so we praise them more often – the praise for model behavior tends to go to the same children Acknowledgement – thank you Susie for cleaning up the blocks, thanks for putting the crayons away, thanks sami for sitting criss cross applesauce, now our class can start story time…. Phoenix Children's Academy Family of Schools

14 “I see that you are putting all of the square blocks on
The most helpful form of attention is acknowledgment and appreciation, not praise. “I see that you are putting all of the square blocks on the top shelf.” “What do we need to do to get ready for lunch?’ Who is ready to go outdoors? Who is almost ready? What do we need to do to get ready to go outdoors? Who needs help getting ready?” “Jack would love to show his exciting show and share, what do we need to do so we can hear him”. (girls tend to be more likely to be quiet and conforming, so we praise them more often – the praise for model behavior tends to go to the same children Acknowledgement – thank you Susie for cleaning up the blocks, thanks for putting the crayons away, thanks sami for sitting criss cross applesauce, now our class can start story time…. Phoenix Children's Academy Family of Schools

15 Avoid getting drawn into a battle of wills with stubborn or noncompliant children. Remember that children’s need for self-direction does not mean they are being “bad”. Have you ever said “How many times do I have to tell you…. I thought I told you…. If you had been listening you would have….” These phrases just invite resistance. No matter what – never or do or say anything that does not show respect for the child. Phoenix Children's Academy Family of Schools

16 Avoid words or actions that scold, criticize , shame, belittle, blame, humiliate, accuse or otherwise attack a child. Phoenix Children's Academy Family of Schools

17 Express appreciation when the child does cooperate.
Instead of scolding a resistant child, let the child know by your manner as and words that you respect the child's needs and wishes but you also expect compliance. Go to where the child is, get down on the child’s level and speak quietly but firmly. Express appreciation when the child does cooperate. Phoenix Children's Academy Family of Schools

18 Make Moving From Place to Place a Learning Time!
Avoid requiring children to “Put a bubble in your mouth” or “Place a hand on your hip and a finger on your lip.” These teach children nothing and typically only need to non-compliance. They’re real time wasters! Phoenix Children's Academy Family of Schools

19 Instead of “Bubbles” Try
• Sing songs—the sillier the better! • Play word or guessing games, recite rhymes, or do finger plays with children • Play “Simon Says” or “I Spy With My Little Eye” • Talk with children; ask creative questions that don’t involve a simple “Yes” or “No” answer • Invite children to move from place to place like an animal or move about as if in a certain kind of vehicle. • Reinforce concepts taught earlier (sounds, shapes, colors) Use Novelty & Humor! Phoenix Children's Academy Family of Schools

20 Tony Chestnut Phoenix Children's Academy Family of Schools

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