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Saturn Jennifer Manning.

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1 Saturn Jennifer Manning

2 Basic Information 6th Planet from the Sun: orbital distance of about 886 million miles 2nd largest planet: 72,367.4 miles in diameter Synodic Period: years Sidereal Period: years Day on Saturn: 10.7 hours 53 moons Rings!

3 Planet Composition Chemical Composition: Gas Giant
Mass: x kg Atmospheric Composition: 96.3% molecular hydrogen 3.25% helium Minor amounts of other gasses Chemical Composition: Viscous hydrogen and helium Highly compressed, liquid metallic hydrogen Outer core of ammonia, methane, and water Solid inner core of iron and rocky material

4 Rings Originally mistaken as a “triple planet” by Galileo 1610
Corrected by Christiaan Huygens as rings 1655 Named alphabetically in order of discovery Composes of ice and rock Main rings are typically 30 ft thick Cassian Division between A and B rings Rings disappear depending on view


6 Cassini’s First D-Ring Crossing
May 28, 2017 Data from Radio and Plasma Wave Science (RPWS) Dust-sized particles strike the RPWS antennas and are vaporized into tiny clouds of plasma (electrically excited gas) These explosions are converted into visible and audio formants for analysis

7 Titan Largest moon: 3,200 miles in diameter
Orbital Period: 15 days and 22 hours Length of Day: 16 Earth days Icy Moon Only known moon in solar system to have substantial atmosphere Only known place to have liquids on the surface other then Earth Presence of ocean below icy ground of liquid water Potential of Life?

8 Enceladus 313 miles in diameter Orbital Period: 32.9 hours
Length of Day: 32.9 hours Icy Moon Liquid water oceans beneath surface that spray from surface Ice formed from these jets produce Saturn’s E ring Potential for life?

9 Viewing Can be seen with the naked eye
Angular size: 14.5” to 20.1” (1⁰ = 3,600”) Apparent magnitude: to 1.17 Telescope or binoculars of 25x to see rings Telescope with 50x will shows rings as separate entity Filters can be used to better enhance viewing

10 View this Year! Throughout October 2018 Saturn can be seen
Use Mars and Jupiter to find Saturn, located between them Saturn will appear golden in color, and seen better with optical aid

11 Amateur telescopic view Robert Hooke 1666

12 Probes Pioneer 11 (1979) Voyager 1 (1980) Voyager 2 (1981)
Cassini-Huygens spacecraft ( ) Possible Future Missions: NASA requested plans for a mission that include: Atmospheric entry probe Possible investigation of habitability and discovery of life on Saturn’s moons Titan and Enceladus

13 Sources
bearer.html diagram.svg/2000px-Saturn_diagram.svg.png planet-rings-and-moons/

14 Sources venus-saturn-mercury crossing/?category=planets_saturn enceladus/

15 Questions?

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