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Dynamic Query Optimization

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1 Dynamic Query Optimization

2 Problems with static optimization
Cost function instability: cardinality error of n-way join grows exponentially with n Unknown run-time bindings for host variables Changing environment parameters: amount of available space, concurrency rate, etc Static optimization comes in two flavours: Optimize query Q, store the plan, run it whenever Q is posed Every time when Q is posed, optimize it and run it

3 Early Solutions run several plans simultaneously for a short time, and then select one “best” plan and run it for a long time at every point in a standard query plan where the optimizer cannot accurately estimate the selectivity of an input, a choose-plan operator is inserted Select Choose-Plan Unbound predicate File Scan B-tree-scan Get-Set R

4 Dynamic Mid-Query Reoptimization
Features of the algorithm: Annotated query execution plan Runtime collection of statistics Dynamic resource reallocation Query plan modification Keeping overhead low

5 Motivating Example select avg(Rel1.selectattr1),
Rel1.groupattr from Rel1, Rel2, Rel3 where Rel1.selectatrr1 <: value1 and Rel1.selectatrr2 <: value2 and Rel1.jointatrr2 = Rel2.jointatrr2 and Rel1.jointatrr3 = Rel3.jointatrr3 Aggregate Group by Rel1.groupattr Indexed-Join Rel1.joinattr3=Rel3.jointattr3 Hash-Join Rel3 Rel1.jointattr2=Rel2.jointattr2 Filter Rel1.selecattr1 < :value1 Rel1.selecattr2 < :value2 Rel2 Rel1

6 Collection of Statistics
Limitations: Can only collect statistics that can be gathered in one pass Not useful for pipelined execution Aggregate Indexed-Join Hash-Join Rel1 Rel2 Rel3 Statistics Collector Filter Group by Rel1.groupattr Rel1.joinattr3=Rel3.jointattr3 Rel1.jointattr2=Rel2.jointattr2 Rel1.selecattr1 < :value1 Rel1.selecattr2 < :value2 Histogram: Rel1.joinattr3 Unique values: Rel1.groupattr

7 Dynamic Resource Reallocation
Assume 8MB memory available and 4.2MB necessary for each hash-join The optimizer allocates 4.2MB for the first hash-join and 250KB for the second (causing it to execute in two passes) During execution, the statistics collector find out that only 7,500 tuples produced by the filter The memory manager allocates each of the two hash-joins 2.05MB 15K tuples 3 MB Hash-Join Rel3 Filter Rel2 Rel1 Aggregate Group by Rel1.groupattr Rel1.joinattr3=Rel3.jointattr3 Rel1.jointattr2=Rel2.jointattr2 Rel1.selecattr1 < :value1 Rel1.selecattr2 < :value2 40K tuples 8 MB 40 K tuples 5K tuples 1 MB

8 Query Plan Modification
Once the statistics are available, modify the plan on the fly Hard to implement! Aggregate Indexed-Join Hash-Join Rel1 Rel2 Rel3 Statistics Collector Filter Group by Rel1.groupattr Rel1.joinattr3=Rel3.jointattr3 Rel1.jointattr2=Rel2.jointattr2 Rel1.selecattr1 < :value1 Rel1.selecattr2 < :value2 Histogram: Rel1.joinattr3 Unique values: Rel1.groupattr Aggregate Hash-Join Rel1 Rel2 Rel3 Statistics Collector Filter Group by Rel1.groupattr Rel1.joinattr3=Rel3.jointattr3 Rel1.jointattr2=Rel2.jointattr2 Rel1.selecattr1 < :value1 Rel1.selecattr2 < :value2 Histogram: Rel1.joinattr3 Unique values: Rel1.groupattr Original plan Modified plan – optimal solution

9 Query Plan Modification: practical solution
Store a partially computed query to disk Submit a new query using the partial results Aggregate Hash-Join Rel3 Group by Rel1.groupattr Rel1.jointattr2=Rel2.jointattr2 Rel1 Rel2 Statistics Collector Filter Rel1.joinattr3=Rel3.jointattr3 Rel1.selecattr1 < :value1 Rel1.selecattr2 < :value2 Histogram: Rel1.joinattr3 Unique values: Rel1.groupattr Temp1 Output to Temp1 select avg(Temp1.selectattr1), avg(Temp1.selectattr2), Temp1.groupattr from Temp1, Rel3 where Temp1.joinatrr3=Rel3.joinattr3 group by Temp1.groupattr select avg(Temp1.selectattr1), avg(Temp1.selectattr2), Temp1.groupattr from Temp1, Rel3 where Temp1.joinatrr3=Rel3.joinattr3 group by Temp1.groupattr

10 Robust Query Processing through Progressive Optimization

11 Motivation Estimation errors in query optimization
Due to correlations in data SELECT count(*) from cars, accidents, owners WHERE = a.cid and and c.make=‘Honda’ and c.model=‘Accord’ Over-specified queries SELECT * from customers where SSN=blah and name=blah’ Mis-estimated single-predicate selectivity SELECT count(*) from cars where c.make=? Out-of-date statistics Can cause bad plans Leads to unpredictable performance

12 Traditional Query Processing
Statistics SQL Compilation Optimizer Optimizer Best Plan Best Plan Plan Execution

13 LEO: DB2’s Learning Optimizer
Statistics SQL Compilation Optimizer Optimizer 4. Exploit 3. Feedback Best Plan Best Plan Adjustments Adjustments 2. Analyze Plan Execution Plan Execution Estimated Cardinalities Estimated Cardinalities 1. Monitor Actual Cardinalities Actual Cardinalities Use feedback from cardinality errors to improve future plans

14 Progressive Optimization (POP)
Statistics SQL Compilation Optimizer Optimizer 3 4 New Best Plan “MQT”with Actual Cardinality Best Plan With CHECK Best Plan 5 2 New Plan Execution Re-optimize If CHECK fails Plan Execution with CHECK knl Partial Results 6 1 Use feedback from cardinality errors to improve current plan

15 Outline Progressive Optimization Solution overview
Checkpoint placement Validity range computation Performance Results

16 Progressive Optimization
Why wait till query is finished to correct problem? Can detect problem early! Correct the plan dynamically before we waste any more time! May never execute this exact query again Parameter markers Rare correlations Complex predicates Long-running query won’t notice re-optimization overhead Result: Plan more robust to optimizer mis-estimates

17 Solution Overview Add CHECKpoints to Query Execution Plans
Check Estimated cardinalities vs. Actuals at runtime When checking fails: Treat already computed (intermediate) results as materialized views Correct the cardinality estimates based on the actual cardinalities Re-optimize the query, possibly exploiting already performed work Questions: Where to add checkpoints? When is an error big enough to be worth reoptimizing? Tradeoff between opportunity (# reoptimization points) and risk (performance regression)

18 CHECK Placement (1) Three constraints
Must not have performed side-effects Given out results to application Performed updates Want to reuse as much as possible Don’t reoptimize if the plan is almost finished

19 CHECK Placement (2) NLJN Lazy CHECK:
Just above a dam: TEMP, SORT, HSJN inner Very low risk of regression Provides safeguard for hash-join, merge-join, etc. Lazy Checking with Eager Materialization Pro-actively add dams to enable checkpointing E.g. outer of nested-loops join Eager Checking It may be too late to wait until the dam is complete Check cardinalities before tuples are inserted into the dam Can extrapolate to estimate final cardinality NLJN Lazy Check DAM Eager Check

20 CHECK Operator Execution
IF actual cardinality not in [low, high]): Save as a “view match structure” whose Definition (“matching”) was pre-computed at compile time Cardinality is actual cardinality Terminate execution & return special error code Re-invoke query compiler ELSE continue execution How to set the [low,high] range?

21 Outline Progressive Query Processing Solution overview
Checkpoint placement Validity range computation Performance Results

22 Validity Range Determination (1)
At a given operator, what input cardinality change will cause a plan change? i.e. when is this plan valid In general, equivalent to parametric optimization Super-exponential explosion of alternative plans to consider Finds optimal plan for each value range, for each subset of predicates, So we focus on changes in a single operator Local decision E.g. NLJN HSJN Not join order changes Advantage: Can be tracked during original optimization Disadvantage: Pessimistic model, since it misses reoptimization opportunities

23 Validity Range Determination (2)
P1 L1 outer inner Q P L2 outer inner P Q P2 Suppose P1 and P2 considered during optimizer pruning cost(P1, est_cardouter) < cost(P2, est_cardouter) Estimate upper and lower bounds on cardouter s.t. P2 dominates P1 Use bounds to update (narrow) the validity range of outer (likewise for inner) Applies to arbitrary operators Can be applied all the way up the plan tree

24 Example of a Cost Analysis
Lineitem × Orders query Vary selectivity of o_orderdate < ‘date’ predicate N1,M1,H1: Orders as outer N1, M1: SORT on outer N1: ISCAN on inner N2,M2,H2: Lineitem as outer Optimal Plan: N1H2M1 M1 H2 N1

25 Upper Bounds from pruning M1 with N1
Upper bounds vary Misses pruning with H2 because outer/inner reversed Still upper bounds set conservatively; no false reoptimization

26 Lower Bounds from pruning N1 with M1

27 Outline Progressive Query Processing Solution overview
Checkpoint placement Validity range computation Performance Results Parameter markers (TPCH query) Correlations (customer workload for a motor vehicles department) Re-optimization Opportunities with POP

28 Robustness for Parameter Marker in TPC-H Query 10
4-way Join: goes thru 5 different optimal plans

29 Response Time of DMV with and without POP
Box: 25th to 75th percentile of queries

30 Speed-Up (+) vs. Regression (-) of DMV with POP

31 Scatter Plot of Response Times for DMV

32 Reoptimization Opportunities with POP

33 Related Work Choose-Plans: Graefe/Cole, Redbrick, …
Parametric Query Optimization Least-expected cost optimization Kabra/DeWitt Mid-query re-optimization, Query Scrambling Runtime Adaptation Adaptive Operators: DB2/zOS, DEC RDB, …: adaptive selection of access methods Ingres: adaptive nested loop join XJoin, Tukwila: adaptive hash join Pang/Carey/Livny, Zhang/Larson: dynamic memory adjustment Convergent query processing Eddies: adaptation of join orders SteMs: adaptation of join algorithms, spanning trees, …

34 Conclusions POP makes plans for complex queries more robust to optimizer misestimates Significant performance improvement on real workloads Overhead of re-optimization is very low, scales with DB size Validity ranges tell us how risky a plan is Can be used for many applications to act upon cardinality sensitivity Future Work: CHECK estimates other than cardinality # concurrent applications Memory available in buffer pool, sort heap Actual run time, actual # I/Os Avoid re-optimization too late in plan of if cost of optimization too high Re-optimization in shared-nothing query plans Extend validity ranges to more general plan robustness measures

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