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MDC Simulation & Digitization

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Presentation on theme: "MDC Simulation & Digitization"— Presentation transcript:

1 MDC Simulation & Digitization
Yuan Ye BesIII Software Meeting

2 Construction Layer Cell Equal Division Wire Straight Wire
Sensitive Area Sensitive Area Straight Wire Ideal Position

3 Hit Record every hit LayerNo CellNo Edeposit Ddift
Ttof (Global time from event begin) global local

4 Digitization Loop over all hits, combine hits from same
cell to one Digi Edigi=Edeposit Ddigi Energy cut Now Emin=0, needed T Do X-T conversion, T =Ttof + Tdrift Ddrift of minimum T

5 Digitization(Cont.) Smear Get Spatial Resolution from Cal.
x=(f 12+(1-f) 22)1/2 Sample between 1 2 use f Possible correction: Edigi Electronic correction 20m: 2= 1,22- electronic2 Sample use  Ddigi=Ddigi+ Dsmear If Ddigi<0, do again

6 Digitization(Cont.) X-T conversion Ddigi Tdrift Create Tdigi T to TDC
Tdigi = Tdrift + Ttof + Ttransfer Possible Correct : Edigi & threshold T to TDC

7 Multiple Scatter vs Step Limit
@1GeV StepLimit cm pt Mev Now we set default is 2cm

8 Background Two methods: Mix background from data with MC
Add in digitization use some model (done) Digi mix (future) Mix background from data with MC

9 Thanks!


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