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Selected Physics Topics at the Electron-Ion-Collider

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1 Selected Physics Topics at the Electron-Ion-Collider
Antje Bruell, JLab ECT workshop, July 2008 nuclear effects in deep inelastic scattering from fixed target experiments prospects for EIC TMDs and GPDs at EIC Summary

2 x and A dependence of the EMC effect


4 Q2 dependence of the EMC effect

5 NMC vs E665 nuclear data

6 NMC experimental set-up
cancellation of acceptance and luminosity

7 Gluon Saturation at EIC ?
Gluon distribution G(x,Q2) What can we measure at EIC ? Extract from scaling violation in F2: dF2/dlnQ2 FL ~ as G(x,Q2) Other Methods: 2+1 jet rates (needs jet algorithm and modeling of hadronization for inelastic hadron final states) inelastic vector meson production (e.g. J/) diffractive vector meson production - very sensitive to G(x,Q2)

8 Gluon Saturation at EIC ?

9 The Gluon Contribution to the Nucleon Spin
Antje Bruell, Jlab EIC meeting, MIT, April Introduction G from scaling violations of g1(x,Q2) The Bjorken Sum Rule G from charm production

10 The Gluon Contribution to the Nucleon Spin
Antje Bruell, Jlab EIC meeting, MIT, April Introduction G from scaling violations of g1(x,Q2) The Bjorken Sum Rule G from charm production

11 The Gluon Contribution to the Nucleon Spin
Antje Bruell, Jlab EIC meeting, MIT, April Introduction G from scaling violations of g1(x,Q2) The Bjorken Sum Rule G from charm production

12 The Gluon Contribution to the Nucleon Spin
Antje Bruell, Jlab EIC meeting, MIT, April Introduction G from scaling violations of g1(x,Q2) The Bjorken Sum Rule G from charm production

13 Exclusive Processes: Collider Energies

14 Exclusive Processes: EIC Potential and Simulations

15 The Gluon Contribution to the Nucleon Spin
Antje Bruell, Jlab EIC meeting, MIT, April Introduction G from scaling violations of g1(x,Q2) The Bjorken Sum Rule G from charm production

16 The Gluon Contribution to the Nucleon Spin
Antje Bruell, Jlab EIC meeting, MIT, April Introduction G from scaling violations of g1(x,Q2) The Bjorken Sum Rule G from charm production

17 5 GeV  50 GeV/c (e  P) Q2=4 GeV2 2= 0.2 P’ tagging required
Exclusivity  Resolution () ≈ 0.3GeV2 without tagging Transverse Imaging

18 Exclusive charged pion production
Assume: 100 days, Luminosity=10E34 Ee=5 GeV Ep=50 GeV Detect the neutron Missing mass reconstruction 10<Q2<15 10<Q2<15 15<Q2<20 15<Q2<20 35<Q2<40 35<Q2<40 Γ dσ/dt (ub/GeV2) Γ dσ/dt (ub/GeV2) 0.01<x<0.02 0.02<x<0.05 0.05<x<0.1 0.05<x<0.1 -t (GeV2) -t (GeV2) Neutron acceptance limits the t-coverage The missing mass method gives full t-coverage for x<0.2 Assume dp/p=1% (pπ<5 GeV)


20 Transversity and friends
Unpol. DF Helicity Transversity q(x) Dq(x) dq(x) Sivers function Boer-Mulders function EIC workshop, May 21th R.Seidl: Transversity measurements at EIC 20

21 Belle e+ e- Collins data Kretzer FF
First successful attempt at a global analysis for the transverse SIDIS and the BELLE Collins data HERMES AUT p data COMPASS AUT d data Belle e+ e- Collins data Kretzer FF  First extraction of transversity (up to a sign) Anselmino et al: hep-ex R.Seidl: Transversity measurements at EIC 21 EIC workshop, May 21th 21

22 What can be expected at EIC?
Larger x range measured b y existing experiments COMPASS ends at ~ 0.01, go lower by almost one order of magnitude, but asymmetries become small Have some overlap at intermediate x to test evolution of Collins function and higher twist but at higher Q2 EIC workshop, May 21th R.Seidl: Transversity measurements at EIC 22

23 The Gluon Contribution to the Nucleon Spin
Antje Bruell, Jlab EIC meeting, MIT, April Introduction G from scaling violations of g1(x,Q2) The Bjorken Sum Rule G from charm production

24 Sivers effect: Kaon electroproduction
EIC CLAS12 The low x of EIC makes it ideal place to study the Sivers asymmetry in Kaon production (in particular K-). Combination with CLAS12 data will provide almost complete coverage in x

25 Correlation between Transverse Spin and Momentum of Quarks in Unpolarized Target
All Projected Data Perturbatively Calculable at Large pT Vanish like 1/pT (Yuan) ELIC

26 Summary eA data from fixed target experiments insufficient to constrain nuclear gluon distribution large kinematic range of EIC will provide precision data on e.g. Q2 dependence of F2A/F2D and x dependence of FLA/FLD and will thus allow to investigate the low x phyiscs of saturation in the nucleus high luminosity and large kinematic coverage will allow to do gluon and quark “tomography” via exclusive processes (measurement of fully differential cross sections for diffractive and non-diffractive channels) single spin asymmetries will determine transverse spin effects and get access to orbital momenta

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