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Warm-Up – 11/21 – 10 minutes Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: What were the roles of military advisors during.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up – 11/21 – 10 minutes Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: What were the roles of military advisors during."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up – 11/21 – 10 minutes Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: What were the roles of military advisors during Phase I of the Vietnam Conflict? How did the role of the US change in the early part of the Vietnam Conflict? Describe why the President and Secretary of Defense ran the Vietnam Conflict. Describe the selection of targets by President Johnson with respect to Operation Rolling Thunder. What impact did television have on the American public’s view on the Vietnam War?

2 Questions / Comments

3 Warm-Up – 11/21 – 10 minutes Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: What was the roles of military advisors during Phase I of the Vietnam Conflict. How did the role of the US change in the early part of the Vietnam Conflict? Describe why the President and Secretary of Defense ran the Vietnam Conflict. Describe the selection of targets by President Johnson with respect to Operation Rolling Thunder. What impact did television have on the American public’s view on the Vietnam War?

4 The Vietnam Conflict Phase I – July 1950 – July 1954
Military advisors are often stationed in countries around the world to: Train defense forces Assist in civil and humanitarian efforts

5 Warm-Up – 11/21 – 10 minutes Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: What was the roles of military advisors during Phase I of the Vietnam Conflict. How did the role of the US change in the early part of the Vietnam Conflict? Describe why the President and Secretary of Defense ran the Vietnam Conflict. Describe the selection of targets by President Johnson with respect to Operation Rolling Thunder. What impact did television have on the American public’s view on the Vietnam War?

6 The Vietnam Conflict Phase 2 – July 1954 – August 1964
US involvement grew from advising to fighting. US was helping the South Vietnamese.

7 Warm-Up – 11/21 – 10 minutes Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: What was the roles of military advisors during Phase I of the Vietnam Conflict. How did the role of the US change in the early part of the Vietnam Conflict? Describe why the President and Secretary of Defense ran the Vietnam Conflict. Describe the selection of targets by President Johnson with respect to Operation Rolling Thunder. What impact did television have on the American public’s view on the Vietnam War?

8 The Vietnam Conflict Phase 3 – August 1964 – June 1969
By mid 1965, the war was still going badly for the US and the South Vietnamese. President Johnson did not trust his military advisors so he and the Secretary of Defense ran the Vietnam Conflict. They even picked out targets for air strikes.

9 Warm-Up – 11/21 – 10 minutes Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: What was the roles of military advisors during Phase I of the Vietnam Conflict. How did the role of the US change in the early part of the Vietnam Conflict? Describe why the President and Secretary of Defense ran the Vietnam Conflict. Describe the selection of targets by President Johnson with respect to Operation Rolling Thunder. What impact did television have on the American public’s view on the Vietnam War?

10 The Vietnam Conflict Phase 3 – August 1964 – June 1969
Operation Rolling Thunder began. It was another gradual escalation of the war. President Johnson picked out targets, but made sure they weren’t targets that might upset the Russians or Chinese. He was afraid they might join the North and make this a world war.

11 Warm-Up – 11/21 – 10 minutes Utilizing your notes and past knowledge answer the following questions: What was the roles of military advisors during Phase I of the Vietnam Conflict. How did the role of the US change in the early part of the Vietnam Conflict? Describe why the President and Secretary of Defense ran the Vietnam Conflict. Describe the selection of targets by President Johnson with respect to Operation Rolling Thunder. What impact did television have on the American public’s view on the Vietnam War?

12 The Vietnam Conflict Phase 3 – August 1964 – June 1969
The Tet Offensive: President Johnson had over 500,000 American forces in Vietnam and the American public didn’t understand what was going on. Television helped fuel mass protests and dissatisfaction with the US government occurred.

13 Questions / Comments

1783 — The first free or untethered human flight takes place when Jean Francois Pilatre de Rozier flies as high as 500 feet and travels 5 miles over Paris in a Montgolfier hot- air balloon.

1957 — The first of several ballistic missile bases to be erected at Francis E. Warren AFB, Wyoming.

16 Questions / Comments

17 November 2016 Chap 5 Quiz FLIGHTLINE 6 7 Chapter 5
SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 6 7 Chapter 5 Military Developments Separate Air Force Wartime Advances 8 NO SCHOOL 9 Jet Propulsion “Vengeance Weapons” Helicopters 10 Berlin Airlift 11 Chap 5 Quiz FLIGHTLINE 12 13 14 Korean War Lessons Learned 15 Commercial Aviation General Aviation 16 Aviation R & D 17 18 Vietnam War Phase 1 and 2 19 20 21 Phase 3 and 4 22 Chap 5 TEST 23 24 THANKSGIVING 25 26 27 28 Chapter 6 Advances in Aeronautics 29 30 Chap 6 TEST 1 2 3

18 Questions / Comments

19 Video of the Day

20 Chapter 5 – Aviation: From the Cold War to Desert Storm

21 Today’s Mission Requirements
What was the name for the plan for ending US involvement in Vietnam? Describe in writing Operation Linebacker Describe in writing why the US ordered Operation Linebacker II Describe how the US utilized air power in Vietnam. EQ: What were main concerns, militarily and politically, with the Cold War and its implications in aviation development?

22 The Vietnam Conflict

23 The Vietnam Conflict Phase 4 – June 1969 – April 1975
In January 1969, Nixon became President. His plan called for ending US involvement. The plan was called “Vietnamization.” The idea was to turn the fighting over to the Vietnamese.

24 The Vietnam Conflict Phase 4 – June 1969 – April 1975
By the end of 1971, it appeared South Vietnam might be able to win the war. The US forces starting leaving.

25 The Vietnam Conflict Phase 4 – June 1969 – April 1975
However, the North Vietnamese were building up forces along the border between North and South Vietnam.

26 The Vietnam Conflict Phase 4 – June 1969 – April 1975
On Good Friday, March 30, North Vietnam invaded South Vietnam again. President Nixon reacted with B-52 strikes.

27 The Vietnam Conflict Phase 4 – June 1969 – April 1975
This operation was called Operation Linebacker and was different from Operation Rolling Thunder because Nixon let his military advisors pick the targets. Operation Linebacker was aimed at bombing the North Vietnamese until they came to the negotiating table.

28 The Vietnam Conflict Phase 4 – June 1969 – April 1975
By October 1972, US ground forces had withdrawn from Vietnam and negotiations had begun. However, negotiations did not go well, so Nixon ordered more bombing – Linebacker II. Twelve days later everyone was back at the table negotiating a cease-fire.

29 The Vietnam Conflict Phase 4 – June 1969 – April 1975
US used air power as a foreign policy tool in Vietnam. Initially, it was used to raise the morale of the South Vietnamese troops and then to contain the advances of the communists. The gradualism policy restricted the use of air power.

30 The Vietnam Conflict Phase 4 – June 1969 – April 1975
US leaves Saigon, South Vietnam - April 30, 1975

31 Meanwhile: The Cold War continues
By the early 1970s, the Soviet Union was still trying to spread communism and the US trying to contain it.


33 Meanwhile: The Cold War continues
Both countries had atomic bombs and the world feared a war between them. Both countries created large defenses to deter the other.

34 Meanwhile: The Cold War continues
As the arms race continued, some analysts feared that only way to win would be to use a preemptive first strike. This put emphasis on reconnaissance, surveillance and command and control.

35 Meanwhile: The Cold War continues
Also, put emphasis on space power, to monitor satellites. Arms race produced better airplanes, missiles, radar and satellites.

36 Meanwhile: The Cold War continues
End of the Cold War Ended in 1989 with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union. Soviet Union’s economy couldn’t keep up with the United States.

37 Meanwhile: The Cold War continues
Despite lots of conflicts, a total world war never occurred.

38 Questions / Comments

39 Lesson Closure - 3 – 2 - 1 2. List 2 things you have questions about today’s lesson. 3. List 3 things you learned today. 1. Create (1) quiz question with answer about today’s lesson.

40 Questions / Comments


42 Safety Rules – Safety Monitor Brief
Must Use Safety Glasses Use of Cutting tools is Dangerous – AT ALL TIMES – knives only out when cutting Must Use Cutting Mats All Areas will remain clean and organized Plane Captains will insure All Areas will be cleaned and all items put back in proper locations 10 minutes prior to class ending Class safety monitor will insure areas are clean and safe at all times


44 Questions / Comments

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