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Cell Growth and Division

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Presentation on theme: "Cell Growth and Division"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell Growth and Division
Cell division – when a cell produces two new daughter cells Cell division is … the process that allows young organisms to grow replacement of injured and worn-out cells or reproduction of single-celled organisms

2 Life Cycle of a Cell - Time Line
Interphase Mitosis (most of the cells life) P M A T

3 Interphase Inter – meaning between Active time between cell divisions
Cell membrane Interphase Nucleolus (ball of DNA) Cytoplasm Nuclear membrane Nucleus Inter – meaning between Active time between cell divisions Growing, making proteins or ATP, moving Most of the cells life At the end DNA is copied exactly (duplicated) to prepare for mitosis

4 Mitosis Cellular process of passing on DNA
DNA ( deoxyribonucleic acid) – code of cellular instructions Mitosis occurs in four stages: P – Prophase M – Metaphase A – Anaphase T - Telophase

5 Prophase Pro – meaning before DNA forms strands called chromosomes
Cell membrane Prophase Centriole Cytoplasm Spindle fibers Chromosomes Pro – meaning before DNA forms strands called chromosomes Centrioles move to opposite sides of the nucleus Nuclear membrane disappears Long spindle fibers stretch between centrioles Chromosomes attach to fibers

6 Metaphase Meta – meaning in the middle
Cell membrane Metaphase Centriole Cytoplasm Spindle fibers Chromosomes Meta – meaning in the middle Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell

7 Anaphase Ana – meaning up or away
Cell membrane Anaphase Centriole Cytoplasm Spindle fibers Chromatid Ana – meaning up or away Looks like a tug-o-war of chromosomes Doubled chromosomes separate Fibers shorten Single chromosomes (chromatids) move to opposite sides

8 Telophase Telo – meaning end Chromosomes reach opposite ends of cell
Cytoplasm Cell membrane Telophase New nucleus Nuclear envelope Cytokinesis Telo – meaning end Chromosomes reach opposite ends of cell Fibers disappear Nuclear envelope forms around each new nucleus New nuclei are identical to the parent nucleus Cytoplasm and organelles move to either side Cytokinesis – cell pinches in half

9 Daughter cells are identical to their parent cells
Two New Daughter Cells !!! Daughter cells are identical to their parent cells

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